False Love: Act II

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Act II (England X Reader) [Inspried by HAL]

                A/N: Here’s Act II! I hope you’ll like where this one is heading even though I have no clue on how it is (well I do but not a clear one just yet) but I’ll still continue on! XD Anyway, it’s now Thanksgiving break for me and let’s just say I’m relieved! It feels nice just being able to sit down for a while without having to worry about projects or papers. It’s such a bliss to feel but alas it won’t last long… *pouts* I have to go back in about 4-5 days… But I will make the best of it, hopefully. So with that out of the way, please do enjoy this next act!

                Don’t be afraid to comment and/or fav!! Thank you!! ^w^


Looking down at the steaming bowl of soup, you couldn’t help but to feel ashamed for not being able to help him like you said you would. After all, it was his brother who asked for your assistance. For some reason, he’s got it in his head that you are the one who can help Arthur the most even though you had no clue how. Somehow you had a feeling it was because Alfred knew you went through the same thing a while back so he probably thought you would be better off in doing this. So feeling a little pressured and rather worried for Arthur you agreed to his favor and now here you were, standing alone with a bowl of soup.

“One hell of a way to start, right?” You slumped your head forward in disappointment.

Hearing his steps above shuffle around until they went silent told you he was back in his bed probably sleeping. Sighing again, you brought the bowl to the sink and set it in there. What could you do now? You’ve tried to get him to eat but he just flat out refused, so now what? You cleaned his house to… You were seriously drawing blanks until it finally hit you. A small smile forming on your lips you quickly forgot about the food and ran around the kitchen trying to find the small tin of tea that he usually drinks. But sadly, you couldn’t find any.

So with a huff you quickly ran out into the living room before heading over to the front door and grabbed your coat and boots. You’ll just have to run out and get some tea then since he won’t eat he might drink something and tea is usually the best when it’s cold out as well when you’re feeling a bit down. You quickly slipped on your boots and coat and was just about to open the door only to stop in your tracks realizing something. You should probably tell him you’re heading out so with a quick turn on your heels, you quickly walked up the stairs before stopping in front of his door with a small look of determination and knocked.

“Arthur?” You called out.

“Mm…” You heard his small hum a few minutes later. Smiling at the sound you slowly opened the door and peaked in only to find his back facing you as he laid on his side obviously trying to sleep.

“Hey…I just wanted to let you know I’ll be heading out real quick,” You took note to his sigh. “I need to grab a few things…”

“…” His voice didn’t sound this time causing you to sigh and slowly closed the door but before you did you slowly voiced your thoughts again.

“Sweet dreams…” You finally closed the door not seeing him slowly look over his shoulder where you were just looking in moments ago with a slight frown.

Quickly walking down the stairs, you ran over to the door and opened it before walking out into the blowing weather. Hugging yourself for warmth, you quickly made your way to the nearest convenient store hoping to find the tea you were looking for.

---------- (Small Time Skip) -----------

Brushing off the snow from your shoulders, you slipped off your coat and boots before quickly walking over to the kitchen and started to fill the kettle with water. Gently setting the kettle on the burner you slowly turned your attention to the tea you bought only to sigh at the sight. It wasn’t exactly what you wanted but after the third store you had settled with the Earl Grey although you wanted Lady Grey instead. After all if you stayed out any longer you would most have likely turned into a human popsicle since you walked there instead of driving. You didn’t exactly own a car just yet… Hearing the low whistle turning into a high one, you slowly removed the kettle and let it cool as you stared up at the ceiling in thought.

The Sides Unseen (Hetalia: England One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now