Requested: Hurry

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Chapter 4: Hurry

We all stare at my father in shock and disbelief. But what he said is true...and I figured it out. If we don't hurry, we will die. The words, they pierced my heart like a needle. I couldn't believe it.

"But what will we do about the farm Jess?" My mom asks my father worryingly.

"We'll have to leave it. All of it" my father says this and then hugs my mother. He is worried, she is worried, I am worried.

"When will we leave?" I ask trying to hold back my tears.

"The sooner, the better. Tonight." Says my father.

Well, night is here. We must leave immediately. I help my mother pack up what little we have. We set out towards the train station, on foot, not even knowing where our destination is. We just have to get out of Madison, Wisconsin. We're almost at the train station. I look over to my left to see Mary. My sister. The only person I share everything with. My best friend. She's struggling to swallow; she must be holding back tears. Like all of us. "Mary?" I call her, hoping she'll answer.

"Yeah?" She says sniffling.

"We're going to be alright. It's okay." I tell her, giving her a reassuring smile.

"Thanks" she says "I needed that" she gives me a smile.

We board the train headed to the state of Montana. We may know the state we're headed to, but still have no clue what lies ahead. We must hurry.

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