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I replied to her text only a few minuites later with:
Great! Just tell me when.

I sat in my chair in front of my computer where I had planned to watch a movie. There was not much else to do. But even though I had it playing I barely watched it, my focus was towards the window instead.

The window looked like a thin block of ice that would melt if you touched it because of how the cold air had buildt spots of frost on it. You could almost feel the cold air from outside and the birds weren't singing anymore.

Like always, I sat there and thought for a while.

She was an interesting person that Charlotte. When she already come this far with her work, I sit here and don't even have dreams. I had never really thought about my future for real before.

I had put my phone on my desk beside the computer when I came in to the room, and now it began buzzing again. It turned my attention away from looking outside and I grabbed the phone. Charlotte had answered to my text and given me time and date for us to meet. There were a few thing that I wanted to ask her that, didn't bother me but, made me qurious.

She had written: I have some sparetime later this afternoon around five. Care to join me for a coffé?

I wrote back to her with: Great!

I continued scrolling down through my contact list and when I saw Rayeons name I stopped. I decided to text her and ask how she was doing since last time I saw her she was pretty ruined. And for bad reasons in my opinion.

Are u feeling better? Have you and Seongwu talked? Please give me updates, I'm worried.

Now I had about four hours before I was supposed to see Charlotte which meant enough time to have a mini movie marathon.


When I opened the front door my face was hit by the super cold breeze, and I didn't regret my decition to wear a warmer jacket. Under only one night the birds had flown away and the ground had become hard as rock with the green grass on top almost turning white.

I didn't have to walk far to meet Charlotte waiting for me outside a cosy looking café. She and I walked inside and sat down by a table, then I ordered some hot chocolate with marshmallows and whipped cream.

She began asking me questions about how school was going and If I had any good friends to hang out with, which I took as proof that she cared. Then she asked If I had any hobbies and what my interests was and that's where I nearly swallowed a whole marshmallow.

I thought for some time but in the end answered with "No", and that seemed to have made her a bit concered.

"None?" She asked. "Are you sure you don't have any interests or talents?" I looked down in to my cup of chocolate and thought some more but really couldn't come up with anything. "Well, nothing that I can think of." I said and took a big sip out of my hot chocolate that then burned my tung. She didn't ask anything more after that, only watched me quietly.

I set down my cup on the table again and fiddled with it. I realised what a boring person I must be. There were no special things that I liked that would come to mind. I wasn't a fan of any special type of book, movie or even music. Neither could I draw, dance or sing, not that I had tried but I don't think so. I'm not the best at sports either. I'm not sure I even know what classifies as personal interests.. When I talk with friends I bring up my problems and then listen to whatever they have to say about their life.

I stopped fiddelning with my cup and hesitated for a moment before asking. "What should I do Charlotte?" I didn't think she would understand what I meant by that but to my surprised she smiled at me.

"Do you enjoy nature, Anna?" She asked while keeping her smile on. "Do you like to dwell in to deep thought?" She continued. "Do you take action when you want to?"

"Yes, I suppose so." I answered and her smile slowly faded. "But what does tha-" She interrupted me with another question. "Have you taken time to yourself and experienced things in your life, Anna?" And that one I didn't answer.

Had I? Not that I hadn't done things in my time of living, of course I had, but had I ever tried to figure myself out? I shook my head at her.

Charlotte's smile reappeared and she relaxed against the back of her chair. "Well then I would advice you to do that. And I might be able to help you develop some interests if you'd like." She said and couldn't help but laugh. "I mean, such things are imortant."

Partly confused I looked at her. "How?" She grabbed her cup of coffé that she barely had touched and took a sip before telling me. "You know I work on an event, right? Well how about you help me with it? I could need some younger ideas." She said and I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

"But don't think about that now." She continued before I could say something. " You can decide later." I nodded in agreement since I felt like I should plan that.

"Another thing, aunt Charlotte." I remembered something else that I had wanted to know about. "Why aren't you married?"

~To be continued~

So, how are u?

So, how are u?Good?Great

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