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So.. That guy dared to come to my home huh.. Why didn't he just call or text me? Jihoon is very forward, I must say.

I grabbed my phone that I had thrown on the bed earlier and tried to call him.
But no answer.
I also texted him so that he could see that I wanted to talk.

He took his time to come here and look for me and, even though I can only guess why, it was sweet of him to do that.
I felt like I should do the same and go to him since he didn't get my texts or calls.

He had told me his adress once and I decided to go there in the morning to talk and ask some things I was wondering about.

As I sat burried in my cushions while tightly wrapped in a white blanket, I thought to myself.
Am I taking everything that has happened too lightly?
Too be honest I don't want to take them seriously. I feel that I'm actually in a very bad situation that's not really comfortable to be in.

I smoothly snuck down under the cover while feeling bad for myself and quickly fell asleep because of my descreet feever.


The next morning I woke up to the sound of my old neighbors dog barking and the the rain hitting the window. I was feeling better than yesterday but was still a bit lightheaded and tired.

I took my time putting on clothes and searching the room for my wallet before I went down to the kitchen and fried some eggs for breakfast.
I made some green tea to drink with it. I drank and my throat hurt a bit so I grabbed a jar of honey and mixed a teaspoon of it into the tea.

When I sat there by the kitchen table, on one of the comfy chairs and drank my hot tea, I was as relaxed as I could ever be.
A morning with the rain smacking on the window and the fog moving with the wind is one of the best mornings.

But when remembering what I woke up this day to do made me not as happy as I should have been.

After brushing my teeth and putting on my shoes I walked out the door and opened the umbrella that mom had bought a few days ago.
It was red with white dots and did not fit very well with my all-black outfit.

It was still raining heavily when I got outside and the fog hadn't lifted much, but I tried my best at finding the adress by searching google maps. Then forty-five minuites later I was outside a building. Hopefully the right one.

It was big. Several apartments I'm sure.
There was this pressuring feeling around the entrance and there was security standing inside.

I had sent a text to Jihoon this morning saying I would come by but he hadn't replied and now I don't know if it'd possible with these guards in the way.

I entered and slowly walked towards the stairs hoping they would simply let me go up but of course they stopped me. "What's your buissness here miss?" The taller one of them asked with a smooth but low voice.
"I'm a friend of Jihoon." I said and did not in the slightest believe I'd ever be let in.

They asked for my name and the shorter one checked his phone real quick and then nodded at the bigger guy.
"Two stairs up miss." The short guy told me with a funny squeeky voice. Almost shocking how different his was from the other one.

I didn't understand at first and waited a few seconds for them to throw me out, but instead they even showed me up to his door and then went down again.

I wondered how big these "apartments" really were because the stairs went a bit further up tham this.

Oh right.
I hadn't thought about it much but did he live alone or not? I never asked him that.. It would be awkward if someone else than him opened the door when I knock.

At least I knew what to say to him. The whole day I had thought about what to ask and a few possible acts of his.
First I'll talk to him and then I'll think about what to do with Daniel another day.

I braced myself, stepped closer to the wooden door and knocked loudly three times but with no answer.
What if he wasn't at home? He could be at practise or having a concert or anything more important than being here where I needed him to be.

I knocked again and heard a loud bang from inside. As if someone tripped right in front of the door really hard.
Seconds later the locks turned and the door carefully opened. "Yes who i-..." He stopped his sentence when he saw me, and the confidence I had buildt up until now fell down into the abyss when I saw him.

"What are you doing here Anna?" He asked and looked very shocked, but I didn't answer. How could I when the one I was planning for was Jihoon but now the person I was facing was Daniel.

Without thinking I blurted out my prepaired lines.
"I'm here to see you."

He sure took his time reacting to it.
"Oh...Come in then!" He said and grabbed my wrist and dragged me into the hallway while still a bit spaced, but that must have been because I heard him fall quite hard just now.

I could hear people walking around in other rooms and when we came inte the living room I saw three guys sitting comfortably in the couch.
I recognized all three.
There was Jinyoung at the end holding a bag of chips, Seongwu in the middle with the remote in his hand, randomly pressing the buttons and Woojin who had his feet on the table.

Now fear rushed through my body.

If Daniel is here. Jinyoung, Seongwu and Woojing is here. And Jihoon said this was his adress. Then this means they've already moved into the dorm together. Which also means that definetly, no mistake, Jihoon is here as well. At this moment. At this time. In this place.

They're both here.

~To be contiued~

Well I hope everything
works out.

Well I hope everythingworks out

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PURSUE {Park Jihoon & Kang Daniel}Where stories live. Discover now