Chapter 11-

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"Stop." Derek mutters in his sleep as he rolls around on the couch, the movement causing Stiles to jolt awake. He sits up quickly confused for a few seconds before he realises him and Derek fell asleep playing video games. He looks at the other end of the couch spotting Derek lying on his back, his shirt lifted up slightly showing his very distinct abs.

"Stop... Kate, I don't want to do this." Derek mutters softly snapping Stiles out his day dream as he realises Derek was talking in his sleep. Kate. That must be the person he nearly said earlier that starts with a K. Who's Kate?

He looks away from Derek's abs noticing the sweat glistening on his forehead above his dark bloodied bruise. He shouldn't be sweating it's not hot in here, Stiles thinks to himself when Derek begins to toss and turn on the couch. Stiles stands up quickly avoiding Derek from kicking him. He thinks about waking Derek up, he was clearly having some sort of nightmare but Derek stops and his face relaxes again.

Stiles stays there for a few minutes making sure he was okay before walking into the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

He glances up at the clock noting that's it's only 10:30 at night, they must have been tired if they fell asleep that early. He goes to fill his glass up with water again when Derek suddenly shouts from the lounge room.


Stiles drops the glass and rushes into the lounge room to find Derek still lying on the couch his face twisted in pain.

"No. No. Laura." Derek whimpers and Stiles drops to his knees next to Derek on the couch and shakes his shoulders.

"Derek, wake up." Stiles says softly wanting to get him out of whatever nightmare he was facing. "Derek." Stiles says louder shaking his shoulders more and suddenly Derek's eyes fly open and he sits up quickly scrambling to the other side of the couch in panic.

"Stiles?" Derek asks looking over at him in confusion as he tries to catch his breath.

"Yeah it's me, I'm here. You just had a nightmare." Stiles says softly and Derek sighs leaning back into the couch grabbing the left side of his ribs over his shirt.

"Sorry." Derek replies closing his eyes as he takes a deep breath.

"Don't apologise, I get nightmares sometimes too, started after my mother died and haven't really gone away. I know how much they suck so don't say sorry. Do you get them often?" Stiles asks sitting on the edge of the couch next to Derek.

"Every night." He replies staring at the ground and Stiles looks at him in shock which he seems to be doing a fair bit these days. Every night? Far out.

"It's only 10:30, want a coffee or hot chocolate? Maybe a hot chocolate, if you have a coffee you won't be able to fall asleep later." Stiles says not knowing how to respond to Derek's answer.

"Coffee will be fine. I know I won't be able to fall asleep later anyway." Derek responds his voice turning back to normal as he sits up properly on the couch.

Five minutes later the two men were sitting back on the couch drinking their hot drinks.

"You were talking in your sleep." Stiles comments taking a sip of his drink. "Who's Kate?" He asks and Derek freezes not knowing what to say.

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