Chapter 17-

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"Let's go get your bike out the paddock and into a shed before it gets dark, we'll do the dishes when we get back." Stiles says standing up from the table and Derek follows as they walk out onto the porch putting their boots on.

"Afternoon boys." The Sheriff greets climbing out his cruiser. "How are you feeling Stiles? Melissa said you might feel a bit off for a few days still."

"I'm good, don't worry. Derek and I are just gonna get the motorbike out the paddock then play PlayStation for a few hours. Teas in the microwave." Stiles responds and his Dad nods as they walk towards the old farm ute in front of the hut.

"You can drive." Derek says walking towards the passenger side without giving Stiles the chance to reply. It's not because he doesn't want to drive but it hurts like hell when he does because of his knee. He can't even walk without it erupting in pain so he'd rather Stiles drive.

"So how do you wanna move the bike? Can we roll it into a shed or are the wheels stuffed because otherwise we'll have to lift it onto the back of the ute." Stiles says as they drive towards the two sheds.

"I think it will be okay to roll, it doesn't look too seriously damaged." Derek replies and Stiles nods pulling up next the fence between the two sheds. Derek glances into the paddock spotting the motorbike a bit over hundred metres away. They jump out the ute and climb over the freshly patched fence Derek fixed earlier walking towards the bike. The sun was slowly setting on the horizon the sky filled with pink and purple as Derek took in the view.

"Let's see if she'll roll when we push, God I hope it does" Stiles comments as they reach the bike. Derek leans over grabbing the handle bars to stand the bike up as Stiles moves to the back of the bike to help push. "Hey, it's working!" Stiles calls out and Derek rolls his eyes at the boys excitement. They slowly push the bike towards the gate of the paddock which was over 500 meters away.

"You could have made the gate closer to the sheds." Derek mutters and he could hear Stiles laugh from behind him causing him to shake his head.

Suddenly out of no where the front wheel of the bike falls into a some sort of ditch in the ground. Causing the front wheel to turn on an angle sharply and slamming into Derek's right knee in the process. He screams in agony dropping to the ground. The pain too much to handle as he grabs his knee clenching his jaw shut in pain to stop himself from screaming.

"Derek?!" Stiles voice shouts as he hears the bike hit the ground next to him.

"I'm fine." Derek mutters groaning as he tries to move his knee. "Fuck." He curses squeezing his eyes shut from the pain.

"I knew you weren't okay from your bike crash, far out." Stiles mutters but Derek doesn't respond, there's no point arguing with him at the moment. "Can you walk?" Stiles asks his voice now calmer and Derek opens his eyes to find Stiles kneeling in front of him with a worried expression. He nods in response letting go of his knee to use his hands to push himself up. He grits his teeth together stopping himself from screaming. He manages to stand himself up with his hand on Stiles shoulder to keep him balanced. "You alright?" Stiles asks worriedly and Derek nods slightly, his head hung low as he stares at the ground trying to ignore the agonising pain radiating from his knee.

He takes a few deep breaths standing himself up straighter as he takes a step forward putting his weight on his knee but it doesn't end well. He screams in pain and suddenly feels Stiles hands on his shoulders as he crumples to the ground grabbing his knee.

"You're not alright." Stiles comments and Derek nods wincing. "What's wrong with your knee?"

"I don't know." Derek groans squeezing his eyes shut when he tries to bend his knee slightly. "I'll be fine in a few minutes."

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