Chapter 21-

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Once again he had a sleepless night. He deserved it though, he shouldn't have kissed Stiles. He should have controlled himself. He promised that he'd never let anyone get that close to him again yet he'd straight up kissed the guy and then ran away.

He's fucked everything up, but he can't be with Stiles, he just can't do that to him.

"Fuck!" Derek yells turning around punching the wooden wall of the barn behind him and he winces at the sudden pain it causes. He looks down at his now bloodied knuckles and shakes his head. How the hell did he let this happen?

"Hey Derek! Isaac will be here soon with the truck of new young cows, we're gonna need your help." Parrish shouts and Derek turns around spotting the man down the drive way.

"I will be there in a minute." Derek shouts back as Parrish drives off towards the cattle yards. Derek sighs looking back down at his knuckles the blood dripping to the ground. He wipes it on the side of jeans before climbing onto the motorbike and heading towards the cattle yards.

He pulls up under the tree next to the farm hands utes and Stiles' Jeep. He spots everyone opening and closing specific gates in the yards as Isaac's truck comes up the driveway.

Derek takes a deep breath and climbs the fence getting straight to work, working on autopilot trying not to think of the incident with Stiles. After 20 minutes all the cattle were off he truck and separated into heifers and bulls. He then goes to the shed grabbing the ear tag gun to do his usual job of tagging the new cattle while Boyd drenches their backs for ticks and the others go to greet Isaac.

"What's going on with you Derek you haven't seemed yourself lately." Boyd says behind him as he drenches the bull Derek just tagged.

"Nothing just something I need to sort out before it gets worse." He responds moving onto the next bull.

"Is this about Stiles? He doesn't seem himself either." Boyd comments and Derek freezes shaking his head turning to face the other man. "Derek watch out!" Boyd suddenly shouts as the bull steps backwards pinning Derek's right leg between the bull and metal fence. Derek shouts out in pain feeling his fractured knee flare in agony. He tries to pull his leg but it only causes more pain.

"Derek?" He hears Stiles voice call in panic from a distance but he was too focused on trying to get the bull to move.

"Come on! Move!" Boyd shouts grabbing the bulls tail and twisting it while pushing causing the bull to take a few steps forward. That was all he needed and Derek could pull his leg out. He quickly jumps the fence to get away from the bull and falls to the ground from the pressure the jump caused his knee.

"You okay?" Boyd asks jumping the fence walking over to him and Derek nods accepting Boyd's hand to help him up.

"You guys alright? What happened?" Scott asks as Derek turns around to find Scott, Isaac and Stiles rushing over to them.

"A bull didn't like Derek tagging him and pinned him between the fence." Boyd answers and Stiles quickly turns to Derek with a worried expression as Derek wipes the sweat off his forehead with his hand. Stiles' eyes fly towards Derek's hand and his worried expression quickly turns into guilt and sympathy after seeing his bloodied knuckles. Derek quickly takes his hand down hiding his knuckles and avoiding Stiles eyes.

"You okay Derek?" Isaac asks and Derek turns his attention to the curly haired boy not expecting his question.

"I'm fine." Derek responds and Isaac nods before turning to Stiles. "Tell the sheriff I said hi and I'll probably see you guys at the bar next Friday." Isaac says as he walks back to his truck.

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