Chapter 36-

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"I can't believe she left me something for my birthday, what do you think it is?"
Stiles asks as he takes a seat on the couch in the lounge room next to his dad, while Ace begins falling asleep in her bed by the wall.

"You know she left something for me on our wedding anniversary... I think it's the same sort of thing. Just open it." The Sheriff says moving on the couch slightly to get comfy as Stiles begins unwrapping the present.

"It's a wooden box, with a envelope stuck to the top." Stiles states as he peels off the envelope, glancing over at his dad who had a happy smile on his face. Something in Stiles' mind tells him that it's the same sort of thing she got his dad.

He stares at the single word written on the envelope. 'Open first' in his Mother's signature handwriting. He begins to open the envelope slowly, his hands shaking slightly as he pulls out the small piece of paper. He takes a deep breath before unfolding the paper to reveal a page of writing, a letter. He glances back to his dad who nods softly and Stiles focuses back on the letter and begins reading.

'To my beautiful young man,

I know you are wondering why I waited until you were 19 before giving you this letter. I wasn't sure when I wanted you to read this. I figured now that you are an adult and you're probably not having a huge birthday party like you would have last year for your 18th. I thought now would be the best time.

The reason for this letter is because I don't know what the future holds for me... for our family. I could still have ten years left or I could be gone within a few months. That's why I'm writing to you now, this morning while watching you and Scott play catch with your father in the backyard.

I hope you have forgiven me for being sick and having to leave you and your father behind. There is nothing in the world I wouldn't do to change that but sadly I cannot and I know soon enough I will have go. It breaks my heart knowing I will be leaving you both, there is so much I never got to do or experience with you two. But none of us can change the past so I'm going to get right to the point.

There is something I need you to know above everything else. I love you so much my son, I can't put into words the feelings I am feeling. Seeing that perfect smile on your face right now as you catch the ball, it just makes me so proud to be your mother. I want you to grow up and have a long, happy life surrounded by the people you love and that make you happy. You deserve the best possible life Stiles, don't let my death stop you for achieving that. I will always be watching over you and if you ever get sad, look to the sky at night and that first shining star in the sky that appears, that's me watching you with a smile.

I know you will do great things in the future, Stiles. Don't ever stop being the kind hearted person that you are. Don't ever let anyone change who you are, if they want you to change then they are simply not worth your time. You are the most amazing ray of sunshine in my life and the times spent with you and your father were the bests parts of my life.

I will always be with you Stiles but I need to know that you'll always be there for your father. Family is the most important thing in this world, they are the people you can rely on no matter what. I know in the future you will be annoyed about stuff dad will do or say but I promise you, he is only doing what is best for you. Listen to what he says and take note of his advice, he was a young man too ages ago. He loves you so much and when I'm gone he'll need you as much as you'll need him.

I've left you with this box. Inside the box is a bunch of letters. On the front of each envelope it will say when to open them, you'll understand when you read it, don't worry. I know you'll be tempted to open them all now to read them but please, don't. Open them when it says to, I know you are a curious boy and it'll probably be bugging you that you can't open them (you get that gene from me) but please wait for the correct time.

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