Chapter 40-

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"How much more paper work do I have to fill out?" The Sheriff questions as he turns the page finding another whole section on the back to fill out.

"Just one more after this." Melissa answers with a laugh while sliding another sheet of paper towards him on the counter as he groans in annoyance.

"We'll go get the Jeep and wait for you at the front." Stiles states and his father nods before Stiles and Derek walk out the hospital.

Grabbing Derek's hand Stiles pulls him in for a kiss as they exit the hospital.

"What was that for?" Derek asks unable to hide his smile as he kisses Stiles back.

"It's two in the morning and you managed to keep me sane while I was freaking out during the drive here and because I love you." Stiles answers and Derek rolls his eyes.

"I would do anything for you Stiles, you don't need to thank me." Derek replies kissing him on the forehead as he wraps his arm around Stiles' shoulder while they walk across the carpark towards the Jeep.

"Look what we have here boys!" A male voice shouts from somewhere to their left. Derek and Stiles both turn around to find three men walking towards them. They were roughly in their early twenties all wearing baggy jeans and muscle tank tops. "Couple of faggots walking alone!" The man in the middle finishes and Derek feels Stiles suddenly tense beneath his arm.

"What did you just say?" Derek questions in a stern tone as he takes his hand off Stiles' shoulders, putting his arm in front of Stiles as he takes a step in front of the younger man.

"I think you heard me gay boy." The same man replies with a sick grin.

"They're not worth it, let's go." Stiles says softly pulling on Derek's flannel but he doesn't move and Stiles knows this won't end well for the three guys. This isn't the first time in the past year that he's seen Derek in a fight, he knows these guys don't stand a chance.

"Better listen to your little faggot boyfriend." The blonde haired man on the left comments and Stiles mentally facepalms knowing Derek is gonna snap if they keep saying this shit.

"Walk away now and no body gets hurt." Derek responds as his hands form fists by his side.

"Now why would we do that?" The main guy asks who Stiles is suspecting to be the leader of the group. The others haven't said much they're just sorta standing next to the main guy trying to look tough.

"Because I asked politely, and I only do that once." Derek states taking another step forward as the three men stop walking a few metres in front of them.

"Ohhh we have a tough guy, how about your boyfriend? Is he tough enough to take me down?" The man says taking a step forward and Derek glances backwards towards Stiles who nods with a slight smile.

"My guess is if you and I go hand to hand you could probably figure out under ten seconds whether or not I could kick your ass." Stiles comments keeping his expression stern.

"You little shit." The man says eyeing Stiles with his hands turning into fists as he marches towards him.

Stiles watches in amusement as Derek steps in front of him grabbing the mans shoulders and throwing him to the ground with a thud. The blonde guy steps in throwing a couple punches in Derek's direction but before Stiles can see what happens next the third guy comes at him. He grins dodging the mans punch while landing a solid jab to the guys stomach. He kicks the mans legs out from under him as he smashes his head on the pavement from the impact. Stiles glances over at Derek just in time to see him throw the main guy back onto the ground next to the blonde guy who looks unconscious.

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