Chapter 10

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*Stacey's POV*

I tried to hold in my laugh. Gracelyn's cheeks turned blood shot red. "Alright guys, someone's mad." Hunter said and everyone tried to contain their laughs.

"Thank you Hunter." Gracelyn said. He nodded and I could hear Dan and Danielle snickering in the back.

"Let's go." Hunter grabbed their wrist and dragged them out of the rooms. I followed and busted out laughing, along with the others, even Hunter. "It's not funny."

"Then why are you lauging?" I asked him. He tried to keep a stright face, but failed. We laughed for about 3 more minutes, then finally got our selves together. 

It was about midnight and we decided to play hide and seek in the hotel. It has 9 floors and we didn't have any boundries. We invited Gracelyn and we all voted Hunter to be it. He counted to 50 as we all hid. I went to the 2nd floor and hid between the ice machine and drink machines, luckily I was small enough. Gracelyn saw me and she smirked. She walked off and found somewhere to hi. 

I rolled my eyes and stayed quiet. Hunter put us all in a group iMessage and told us he was coming to find us. He told us everytime he found someone, which was taking a while. He has already found Danielle and Shay. I saw Hunter stick his head in and I ducked down as far as possible. 

From Gracelyn:
I know where Stacey is ;P

She texted us in the group chat. I balled my hand in a fist and was mad at her. She better not say where I am. Hunter told her not to say where. He walked past me again, going to the elevators. Once I heard the doors ding I popepd my head out and saw he was gone. 

"Hello." I quickly spun around and saw Gracelyn. 

"What do you want?" I asked her. "Didn't Hunter tell you to leave me alone? Because I'm pretty sure that he did." I crossed my arms. 

"Leave and go back home. He doesn't want you here, he told me himself." She walked closer to me. 

"Guys?!" I called, hoping that maybe, maybe one of the guys would hear me. "Hunter?!" She pushed me against the wall and got close to me. 

"Stay away. Just go home." She place her arm on my neck so I couldn't move. 

"Shay? Hunter?" I tried to call, but no one heard me. Finally, Shay came in and pushed her off of me. 

"What the hell are you doing?! Didn't Hunter have a little talk to you! I'm not going to tell Hunter, but if I ever catch you again it'll be hell!" Shay said and she ran off. Hunter texted us saying he found Dan, then like 5 minutes after Gracelyn. "You're the last to be found. Want to make this interesting?" I nodded my head. "Well, Hunter has us all helping him find you. Now that he found Gracelyn, she will definitely rat you out. Come on." He grabbed my hand and ran off to the stairwell. "Ready?"

"Let's do this." I said. We went up to the 9th floor and saw Dan. We ran out and fast to the elevator. We got in and went down to the lobby. 

*Shay's POV*

I pulled out my phone and smiled. We sat behind the couch in the lobby and waited. 

Group Message:

Come and find us. ;P I know you've already found me, but this is going to be interesting.

Everyone replied back with 'oh really' or 'let's do this'. I peeked over the couch and saw a very lost Danielle standing around searching. "She's over there." I pointed behind us. We crawled off and into the stairwell. 

*1 hour later*

From Hunter:
Okay, I give up. 

Everyone agreed with him and I looked at Stacey. "Shall we go sit in the hall out infront of the room?" She nodded and we got up. We took the elevator to the 9th floor and sat outside the door. 

About 2 minutes later the others showed up and they came out of the elevator. They looked at us and there mouths flew open. "What? Where did you guys come from?" Dan asked. 

"Here and there." I shrugged. "I'd say Stacey is the master."

"You are boo." Dan hugged her. "Let's get some sleep. We go home tomorrow. YAY!" Gracelyn and Danielle went to their room, Hunter and Stacey went in theres and Dan and I walked off to ours. I put on shorts and a black t-shirt. I sat in the bed and scrolled through my twitter. Retweeting and tweeting fans. 

I came across her, her twitter. I followed her and sent her a quick dm

Dm to Kayla:
Hey. Um I just wanted to say Hi, and that you well um have been on my mind since I last saw you. Would you like to meet up sometime?

She replied quickly, and I smiled at what she said. She said sure and I smiled. She told me she would be taking her spring break in Nashville this week and would like to meet up. I told her okay and goodnight, then feel asleep with a smile on my face. I woke up during the middle of the night and really had to pee. I went to the bathroom and had a tough time going back to sleep. 

To Stacey:
Are you still awake or no?

From Stacey:
Yeah, can't sleep. What's up?

To Stacey:
Meet in the hallway? 

I walked out to the hall and waited for Stacey. She came out of her room and I hugged her. She is the greatest friend ever. "What's wrong?" I asked her. 

"Couldn't sleep." She sighed and we sat against the wall. 

"Why?" I looked at her, concerned. 

"What happened with Gracelyn today. I think I should just leave. I'm apparently compeition for Gracelyn and I'm just some play toy for her." She looked down at the floor. 

"I'll talk to Hunter."

"You can't. If he finds out what happened today things will be a living hell. He'll hate her and she'll basically hate me." I hugged her tightly and rubbed her back. 

"I'll help you through this." She wrapped her arms around my neck and hid her face in my neck. 

*Hunter's POV*

I woke up the next morning and noticed Stacey wasn't in her bed anymore. I got up and walked out and to Dan's room. "Good morning!" Stacey cooed, answering the door. 

"Good morning beautiful." I smiled. "Sleep well?" She nodded her head and let me in and we all ate breakfast. 

"Hunter can we talk?" Gracelyn asked me. I nodded my head and we walked out to the hallway. "I need to show you something."

"What is it?" I asked her, really worried. She pulled out her phone and showed me a picture. It was of Stacey and Shay, hugging. It looked more like a couply hug. 

"Hunter, I'm so sorry. I thought you should know that Shay and Stacey have something going on. It's been going on for a few days. You needed to know." She looked at me. 

Tears pricked in my eyes and I sighed. She hugged me. "I guess I mean nothing to her. I'm sorry I ever choose her over you. It's just me and you now." I told Gracelyn. I heard a gasp in the background and I turned around to see Stacey with Dan and Shay standing there. Oh no. She was crying and hate crossed over her face. 

"I can't believe you." She ran off and to the elevator. 

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