Chapter 23

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*Stacey's POV*

I looked at the collage of Hunter and I that I made. Tears formed in my eyes and I couldn't help but cry. I know I hurt Hunter and Shay when I left, but I can't go back yet. They both hurt me and Shay betrayed me.

My dad came tripping through my door, drunk as ever. "Stacey! Didn't I tell you to clean the dishes! I don't expect you to just sit around all day! WHEN I TELL YOU TO DO SOMETHING YOU DO IT!" He hit me and I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Okay, I'm going." My brother just stood in my door, watching this happen. My brother is my idol, he is always the one there for me and he usually stands up to my dad, but for some reason right now he isn't. Maybe he is scared of him? I don't know. I got up and went downstairs and in the kitchen to do the dishes.

It took me a hour to finish cleaning everything. My dad then made me take out the trash, then I was finally free. I checked my phone and I had a lot of text and phone calls. All from Hunter, Danielle, and Shay. Well I had two text from Dan.

To Dan:
Hey Dan, sorry that I haven't been talking to you. I just want you to know that I am not mad at you, please don't think I am. I miss you and I miss the others, but right now I think it is best for me to stay away. Thanks for checking up on me. I'll see you soon.

I then clicked through the rest of my messages.

From Hunter:
Stacey, please. I love you and I miss you. It was all a mistake.

Answer someone or please come back. We all miss you, I love you and I need you

Hunter had sent me about 10 more text and I had 5 missed calls from him. I had 20 text from Shay and 10 missed calls from him. They just do not give up do they? I just need some time to process this all. "Stacey!" My dad yelled.

"Yes sir?!" I called back. He didn't answer me, so I just gave up.

*Dan's POV*

"Shay, she says she is fine. Just give her some space. She'll come back."

"What I don't get is why she texted you!" He shouted at me.

"Calm down. I didn't do anything to break her trust. She says she is fine and that she will see us all soon. Just please come on and give her some space. Don't keep pushing what you have left." I told him.

"Fine, whatever." He got up and walked off, mad. I told Hunter what I told Shay and he said okay, he will try and let her have her space.

To Stacey:
Shay and Hunter said they both would let you have your space. Take as long as you need sweetheart, I'm here if you need someone to talk to. Love ya!

I dialed Kayla's number, hoping she would answer. She did, she answered right away. "Hey Dan!"

"Hey, I miss you."

"I miss you too. It's been so long. How is everything with Shay and everyone?" She asked me.

"Stacey went back home. Hunter and Shay are both bummed about it because they realized that Stacey was telling the truth to begin with, bu Stacey is still hurt because they broke her trust." I told her.

"I completely understand, what Shay did was messed up." Kayla said. "Hey I gotta go, dinner is ready."

"Alright. Good bye. Text me later." I hung up and I put my phone down.

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