-Chapter Three-

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Heyy, guys :DD

I'm so so so sorry for the long wait, finals really got the best of me-.- ughh I'm not really happy with this and it's kinda short I'm sorry, but I thought I better update what I have now then wait for another week or two..My last exam is in two weeks..after that I'll update more often, I promise :)

Also for some strange reason idk Wattpad won't let me dedicate my chapters to other wattpad user WHY?..Anyways, this chapter is dedicated to "a-Z-A-z", because she told me she loved my book. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Whenever this will work again you'll get a proper dedication ;)

Okay so here we go...

[Ash's POV]


Luke was about to punch me. I could see it in his eyes ...and maybe his fist may have been raised too, but it was his eyes, okay?

I stared at him in shock. Not able to move a nanometre.

It wasn't like I was afraid of him, afraid of him beating me up. Sure, he was taller than I was, but I noticed with an inner smirk that I was way more muscular than him.

I could handle him easily, so why was I suddenly so shocked? It's not like this is new to me.

My past. It hit me like..like.....like a wrecking ball. (pls don't judge me, I couldn't think of anything else lol)

The starring and the whispers that they were not even trying to hide, the ignoring and the disgusted looks on their faces. The pain and the ...hate.

I felt like throwing up.

I can't go through this ever again. I-i just....can't. I would break. I'm sure of it.

When there were only a few inches left between us a fat middle-aged man entered the room. He wore shorts, a yellow polo shirt and he was thinning out at the top.


"Get dressed you little shits! This is no party. You lazy asses have three minutes left and you don't even want to know what will happen to you when you're not ready at time."

He spat at us, turned on his spot and stormed out the door.

Well this had to be our coach then. What the actual fuck?

Out of the sudden Luke turned around and left walking through the same door the coach used a couple of seconds ago.

I could do nothing, but stare after him.

Then I changed quickly not wanting to get late after that speech. I'm not sure if I'll ever get over this.

Seriously, are teacher even allowed to talk to their students in that way?

Isn't there anything like a codex or something?

Though I'm happy for the thoughts about the coach, they distracted me a little from what happend before.

Before i could leave the room someone grabbed my shoulder. I flinched.

"Whoa, calm down mate. I won't do you any harm."

It was this asian kid who stood beside Luke.

"Oh." Was literally all that came to my mind right now. You're speaking skills are awesome Ashton.

"I'm sorry. I want to apologise for what Luke was about to do to you. You should know he's usually not like that. He's not brutal or anything. Well, there's this thing with Harry, but you can't compare that. They hated each other ever since..ehh that's not important. I'm rambling. The point is I'm gonna talk to him. I hope this will help. You obviously don't deserve any hate. What in the world could you even have done to him in these few seconds since you entered the room?"

I gave him a weak smile. "Thanks, mate. Really."

"Seriously, it's nothing. I'm Calum by the way, but you can call me Cal."


"Okay, Ashton, I have to go now. See you around!"

With that he turned around and walked away.

I blinked a few times to process what just happend and then started to follow him.

This conversation brought back the memories of how I acted earlier.

I'm such a worthless shit. I was so weak as always, I even froze this time. It was disgusting. I am disgusting.

No Ash! Stop telling yourself that. You did so well the past few weeks.Don't throw that away just because some random guy came by who doesn't like you!

But he's like the most beautiful creauture I've ever seen!!

NO! No, no no, no, no, no! You can't let that slip. Stop these kind of thoughts!


There's no but, don't you remember what happened when they got to know? You don't want that again, do ya?


Then listen to me! Conversation's over.

Great, I just talked to myself. Fuck I kinda slayed myself. If that makes any sense.On top of all I'm a freak now. Great Ashton, just great.

I realised another thing..I just called the guy who was about to punch me beautiful. And it gets better and better, Ash. I sighed.

P.E. didn't even start and I think it couldn't get any worse.


Of course it got worse.

We played basketball and you know I generally suck at sports. I work out and stuff, but teamwork, running and balls? Nope.

It was hell. The others found out very quickly that I had absolutly no idea what i was supposed to do even though the couch, Mr. Cooper, had explained it.

I got the ball once. It was the beginning of the game and I just didn't know how to react, so I didn't do anything. I just stared at the big thing I was holding in my hands. The ball then disappeared magically and I found myself laying on the cold hard ground. Yeah, fun.

My team mates then started to left me out completly, which I was grateful for.

But unfortunetly my lack of participation was the reason why the coach kept yelling at me, but I can live with that.

The worst thing was, that Luke kept starring or at least glancing at me throughout the whole lesson, but he didn't set a foot anywhere near me like I was some kind of disease.

It made me shiver. Why the hell does he affect me so much?

I shouldn't care. He's just some random guy who hates me.

Everybody at my last school hated me. What means just one more?

I even have Harry, Michael and Niall now. They are my friends. They will help me, right?

As long as they don't get to know, they won't hate me.

Gosh, I'm desperate, aren't I? I know them for a day.

Anyways, I cuddled deeper in my bed sheets and tried to stop all the thinking, blanking out my thoughts. I really needed some rest.


Boring chapter i know :(

Anyways thank you for reading,

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Constant as the stars above always know that you are loved :* Childhood memories...urghhh

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