-Chapter Four-

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Heey, guys!!

My exams are over now! Yayy :DD

Wich means updates more often.. at least I hope so. Depends on how much of a lazy ass I'll be :P

Okay, this chapter is dedicated to "Innie33ily", because I love how she comments! It makes me smile so much ♡♡ THANK YOU I would have answered, but I really didn't know what haha ;) I'm sorry tho :(

This shit still doesn't work. Idk why :( I am able to dedicate this to facebook people. Eww, but not to Wattpad Members. Can anyone help me?


[Ash's POV]

"Get the fuck up, Ashton! You'll be late again."

I groaned and opened one eye to glance at the clock...7:35

Shit! I stumbled out of bed, went to the bathroom and did quickly my morning ruitine. Then I went to my room again and picked out black skinny jeans and my grey marvel shirt.

I ran down the stairs, grabbed my jacket and put on my shoes.

"Bye mom!"

I left without waiting for a reply not wanting to be late again since I already was yesterday.

Mental note: Work on getting up earlier! You didn't even had time to take a quick shower..


Turned out that because I hurried so much I was early..way too early.

I mean it were only 10 minutes till the lesson would start. Where were all those people?

I decided to just go to the room and just sit there and listen to some music untill anyone would arrive.

As I made my way near the door I started to hear voices.

"You really need to do better this year, Luke. You almost failed last year."

It was Mr. Tomlinsons voice and he sounded really concerned.

I stopped in my track and decided to listen instead. I know this is wrong, but oh well..who cares? I definitly don't.

"I know Mr. Tomlinson. I will, I promise! It's just I had so much to do, but I want to try, really." His voice sounded so vulnerable.

It made me feel immediately sorry for him and I hated it.

"Is that so? Then tell me why you were absent yesterday. That's not a great start, is it?"

"No, sir. I'm sorry. I were..I-I can't tell you. I'm sorry. It won't happen again, I swear!"

"Alright Luke. I won't push you, but you really have improve. Yeah?"

"Thank you Mr. Tomlinson. Thank you!"

I took that as a sign to make myself quickly disappear. I went to the nearest bathroom before one of them could take notice of me.

I looked into the mirror.

Okay, let's process what just happened, Ash. I overheard that Luke has problems with his grades..well at least in English. But more important: He was not only in my PE. class, but now also in English, my favourite subject out of all.

Yayy. Note the sarcasm.

I couldn't help it, but have mixed feelings about this. I really don't know, but I was afraid..and excited?

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