-Chapter Seven-

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Enjoy ;)

[Ash's POV]

To say I was nervous would be an understatement. I was frightened.


I don't even know myself.

I was really scared, yet I was eager to meet him, excited to find out something about him even if it's just banalities.

Just so my essay will be awesome of course.

I don't have much to say so far though.

I made a list.

~is hot

~almost failed last year

~doesn't have pets

~hates Harry?????????????????

~hates me

~is appearantly nice to everyone else

I sighed.

Well, I couldn't use half of that for the fucking essay.

I was waiting for him just how he told me. Well not exactly, I was eleven minutes early, but really who cares about the time, right?

But I was waiting and waiting and waiting, kicking some stones, waiting, cursing on him and waiting.

I decided to finally leave as two whole hours passed and he didn't show up.

I'm such a fool. I should have left earlier.

On my way back home he then magically appeared right in front of me thus I bumped into him. He have to have done this on purpose!

"Hey, watch where you're going!" Is what he said as he was getting up.

"Watch where you...watch where you..arE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!? I WAITED FOR YOU TWO FUCKING HOURS AND YOU FUCKING TOLD ME  TO BE ON TIME, Yeah? Then you are out of a sudden fucking standing right in front of me AND TELL ME IT'S MY FUCKING FAULT THAT WE  FUCKING FELL OVER!!?!"

I was fuming. If this was a cartoon I'm pretty sure there would be smoke getting out of my ears. This is all his fault.

"Whoa, you need to calm the fuck down, dude." He said casually. He called me dude. That's something positive I think.

"Heyy, don't swear!" I told him, because that's what my mom taught me.

This time he was standing there not knowing what to say, bet he doesn't often get told what to do. Hehe

"Are you. ..I mean. What?! You just sweared yourself about a hundred times ten seconds ago!"

"Did not!" I returned. I don't swear even though I really want to sometimes. Okay, often, but it's wrong. I know that.

"You did." He was starring at me in disbelief. God, what's wrong with him?

"Did not."

"God dammit, Ashton! I heard it with my own ears why are you so...? Okay, this is freaking childish, but, okay, okay, can we just go now?"

"Sure." I shrugged, but smirked to myself, because I won. Haha

The walk to his home was silent, very silent. To be honest it was the most awkward walk ever in history of ever.

I was walking two steps behind him watching my feet. No one said a word and I had the urging feeling to pull out my earphones and listen to some music to escape the silence, but I didn't dare to do anything except for following his every move.

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