-Chapter Five-

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Okay, I know I'm a bitch..I'm sorry and I feel like shit bc of that.

[Ash's POV ]

I think Mr. Tomlinson just continued reading through the list of students, but I couldn't pay the least bit of attention anymore.

My head was spinning.

Why does he have such an enormous effect on me? I mean I just met him yesterday!

Yes, he tried to hit me once, but that was nothing special, I was used to that.

It must be something different, but I couldn't figure it out. Not yet.

Very careful, I took another glance at him. Nothing changed. He's just sitting there like a stone or something.

Then I looked at Harry again searching for his gaze, but he didn't seem to notice too focused on Mr. Tomlinson.

Can he just stop following his every move please? He's no fucking god dammit!

"Okay, that's it guys. Get together with your partner now and start doing what ever you think you need to do to get that essay started. You have about.." he glanced at his watch "..20 minutes left to do so for now. So hurry up and good luck."

I watched as everyone was getting into their groups. I myself was frozen on my spot.

I looked at Luke and of course the sight didn't change.

I sighed and got up, going over to his place walking as slow as I never did before.

I'm pretty sure that I just stood there for a good whole minute looking down at him before I grabbed a chair and sat down right across the table.

"Ehhm." I didn't know what to say to be honest.

No reaction whatsoever.

"This is awkward." I said.

"No shit, sherlock." He said suddenly lifting his head and looking me straight in the eyes.

His piercing blue ones seemed like they could look at the bottom of my soul and like they were able to read my every thoughts. Cheesy much, Ash.

I was flabbergasted.

So beautiful...

Shut up!

"Okaaaay...no need to get your sass out, mate. Ehhhm, yeah, so shouldn't we like get started or...?" I trailed off.

No reaction. He just continued starring at me like he wants to find out all my weaknesses to use them against me.

It's scary and creepy, but also so hot at the same time.

No, it's NOT, you're weird. Stop it.

"Ehhm, we could maybe just start with ehhm .... getting to know each other, yeah? You know small talk and stuff."

Nope, nothing.

"Do you ehhm work out or do sports? Well ehhm, because you look really fit and yeah."

No, you did just not.


I just mentally facepalmed and then I mentally beat myself up to the point I don't even wanna tell you.

You look really fit? Why did I not just screamed at him instead. "HEY! I'm gay! I'm disgusting! Beat me up already! I deserve it."

Luke by the way seemed to find me either creepy or amusing..I really can't tell.

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