The Pain With The Truth pt. 2

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(Warning: Darker chapter)

Lies are the worst coding in humanity. It's the biggest flaw set in our nature but also crucial to our existence. Hestia learned this as a child when telling the truth tended to hurt her more than lying did. However, she was set in a way she always told the truth unless lying got her what she wanted. This labeled her as evil and manipulative, but in reality she couldn't see what was wrong with self benefit.

Hestia respects both the truth and the ability to tell a flawless lie. A person with the capability to do both is someone to align with as much as fear.

"Why do we need to know how to lie?" A girl from Ravenclaw asked the lady.

Just as she finished the sentence the door behind the group closed and Gawain Robards walked through the room with his head high and took a spot next to the old woman.

"Excellent question Justine. You need to be able to lie in case an enemy ever captures you for information. You must all be capable to lie in a believable way. Unwavering loyalty to this department and the entire Ministry is what will determine your place here." He announced.

Hestia looked at the old man in boredom, no longer respecting someone who hasn't done anything to earn it.

"This exercise will be done in a separate room. Cruelle and I will be doing the interrogations. We will use whatever torture or spell we please in order to get you to tell the truth. If you aren't okay with pain, physically and mentally, you know where the door is. We both have examined your files and know you're strengths and weaknesses. You will be escorted one at a time into the interrogation room by my secretary Xavier. He will have your wand. You will ultimately be powerless. This means you will need to use pure psychology to get through."

Hestia noticed how Gawain held himself higher and smiled to himself as he went on. Boasting about the fact he will be in total control. Men like him, Hestia knew, became consumed in their power that they lose themselves in it.

"Physical and mental pain is a large part of this job. This exercise is both the second and third part of today's training. The first being lying effectively, the second being trying to survive and escape. Depending on how each member here does, some of you may not leave this room til sunrise. Any volunteers?"

McClaren's arm shot into the air.


Thirty minutes pass and McClaren was still out. Hestia laid on her back and stared straight at the celling twiddling her wand absentmindedly. The rest of the people had dispersed into groups of their own to talk amongst their friends. Regardless of house most of them were diversely separated. Most of them talked about strategy and what they think could be going on in the separate room. Others gossiped or talked about life outside the room. Hestia and Draco were the only two alone and silent.

Almost everyone tried to get a conversation with Harry Potter before eventually growing tired of trying and going their own way. He and Ron stood in a corner by themselves, occasionally visited by others. Their eyes were glued on Hestia in curiosity. Across from them was Draco, his eyes on her in pain. He was once again a boy who was too scared to talk.

The same didn't go for all the curious eyes, however.

Hestia was approached by heavy feet and brown eyes. Unmoving she looked at the boy above her, recognizing him as one of the few Ravenclaw boys in the room. His dark brown eyes bore into hers but she simply blinked.

"You're Hestia Blackwell, aren't you?" He asked but in more of a statement. "Your parents were Ignatius and Ivory Blackwell, famous workers for Voldemort."

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