When The Clock Chimes

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Luck was a term Irish wizards created as an excuse for the good fortune caused by their magic. Over the years muggle and magic folk alike created myths surrounding the idea of fortune. The idea that sometimes things will work out perfectly.

It was that luck that allowed small Drew to dodge the first death spell casted his way, causing it to somehow bounce back and hit the caster. It was luck that allowed Draco and Hestia to spawn two beautiful patronus just as Dementors erupted from the elevator behind them.

The wolf and vixen patronus danced together as they fought back the force of darkness.
"Unmask yourselves, you cowards. Face your enemies head on with nobility. Meet your fate as you stare me, Draco Malfoy, in the face." Draco hissed at the group.

The person who fired at Drew lifted their mask to reveal a drained white face. The face on a woman in sorrow and rage. "Draco Malfoy, the Death Eater. The traitor who willingly fought along Voldemort. You killed my baby!"

"No!" Drew cried out, tears in his eyes. "I'm so sorry for your loss, but fighting is not how we solve these things. Draco did not kill your son. Killing Draco will not bring your son back so please try to do right by him."

"He deserves a fate worse than death," a man said, unmasking himself. He too wore the face of a lost man. "You all do. You think you're untouchable, but you're evil and we will punish you."

One by one each masked men and women revealed themselves and raised their wands. Hestia saw that hurt look in their eyes, the look of someone who lost everything. A look she recognized all too much because she too wore it once. She tried to imagine a world where each person was ignorant to that painful marking.

"We will not kill you," the main woman announced. "Not unless we feel like you deserve it. No, instead you will be tortured into an admittance of your crimes. You will tell us everything we want and then far afterwards we will torture you until that rotten brain is nothing more than broken."

"Oh I'm sure you will," Hestia stated coldly, stepping in front of Draco and Drew protectively. "Try, that is. You have an army, yes. However, if a single one of you so much as graze my men with a spell I will end you."

"Hestia Blackwell," a man to the left growled, "You are pitiful. Much like your parents and brother we will take you down and send you to the grave."

"I will keep my word. Much like many of you I don't have much more to lose," Hestia looked at Draco out the corner of her eye and felt a spark flare in her chest. "Unlike you all, I have everything worth fighting for."

The room shifted into a large open field that was constantly moving and shifting. A training room for Aurors, however Draco and Hestia never got to use it due to being fired. The room seemed to go on forever, and the dozens of enemy's spread out.

"Dueling... How fun," Draco grinned cheekily before launching himself into the fight.

Following his lead the other two did as well. It wasn't long before spells were flying around the room. Just as one spell hit the black robe of another more people spawned in their place. Hestia yelled as she quickly jumped onto a new platform just as her previous location erupted in flames.

She climbed back on her feet only to be blasted back with a disarming spell. Her eyes darkened dangerously as she stood and yelled out, a powerful invisible force sending the three men in front of her flying. Picking up her glimmering white wand she continued the fight.

An instinct flared in her mind and she quickly turned to see Draco about to be blasted in the back by the woman leading the attack. Hestia sent a protection spell and blocked the hit. A hot pain erupted in her hand, causing her wand to fall.

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