Holiday Joy

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"You alright now, love?" Draco whispered into Hestia's ear at dawn, holding her as she calmed down.

Every night Hestia would wake screaming in terror from visions or nightmares, so Draco would come in and calm her down. Every night she'd fall asleep in his arms and he'd go back to his room with the new ability to fall into a horror-less sleep. This routine had been going on since he moved in two months ago. They needed each other.

"Draco," Hestia whispered, "stay this time. I know you struggle to sleep, so just stay."

The boy hesitated at the request, wondering if she meant it or if her mind was tired and rambling. He moved to go when she firmly grabbed his hand and held him back. Together they fell asleep and that was the night Draco finally had a dream.


The house was cold from the outside winter snow as Hestia walked on her tiptoes to the living room. "Incendio," she whispered and a large heap of fire erupted into the fireplace. The fireplace was enchanted to spread its heat throughout all the house, so within seconds the manor was toasty warm.

Today was the first break from training they've had in months. The training span had finally come to an end and the remaining 20 wizards had finally finished the start of their careers. They were officially Aurors. Over the past month Hestia had been helping Draco and by the end of training he was one of the strongest members in the group. Hestia and Draco also became the most feared after the incident that occurred in October. While the others feared them, Gawain Robards was back and hated them more than ever.

Hestia decided to let Draco sleep in while she made breakfast. She had pancakes flipping themselves and tea brewing while she had eggs being scrambled and bacon cooked. Off to her right was fresh fruit from her never dying garden slicing itself. Hestia hummed quietly to herself while she sat back and watched it all, too tired to actually do any cooking herself.

Just as two slices of bread dropped themselves into the toaster Draco walked in. His blond hair was sticking up wildly and his shoulders were dropped as he dragged his feet. Only when he looked up and saw random things flying all over the place (the pepper bottle almost flew straight into his head) did a jolt of energy wake him up.

"Good morning," Hestia chirped, "Breakfast is almost ready and the dining room is set. Tea?" A steaming teapot poured tea into a teacup right in front of Draco. Two sugar cubes dropped themselves into it and a small spoon stirred. Draco grabbed the floating cup from in front of him and sat next to the girl reading the paper.

His bewildered eyes bore into the side of her head. "You're making breakfast?" Hestia noticed the shock in his voice and peaked her blue eyes over the paper for a slight moment.

"Well it's making itself because of me but yes." She said as she flipped to the next page.

"But you never cook. Ever." Draco said, looking around as through waiting for a big sign that said this was a dream. "You threw your shoe at me the other day because I asked you to pour me a cup of tea."

Hestia giggled to herself at the memory. "Yes well-" the loud sound of the toast popping out rang through the busy kitchen. "The foods ready, come on." Hestia dragged Draco into the dining room where the once large table shrunk down to something for two.

All the food laid itself gently onto the plates in front of them. Draco eyed the food cautiously, but Hestia ignored his dramatic stance and began to eat. Draco realized she was uncharacteristically cheerful and bright so still he hesitated.

"What's the matter with you?" Draco asked while poking his food with a fork. "Is your mind alright? Are you trying to murder me?"

Hestia laughed softly, chewing on sweet bacon. "Do you really not know what today is?"

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