Chapter 7 - Fine Dining

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Hey look! I've finally updated!! It took me forever, but look everybody, it's finally here! I'm so sorry it took me so long, literally months, please forgive me... There's an explanation for why it took me so long at the end of the chapter if you'd like to know why.

Alright, now that that's out of the way, I wanna apologize for the extreme filler-y-ness of this chapter. This story is going to get more interesting, I promise, and it won't take me fifty years to update again, I swear...

Sunday, November 30, 2011,

This is going to come off as completely stalker-ish, but almost daily, just once, I check on Tucker. I do this just to be sure that he’s safe and there’s nobody following him or watching his house. Just a quick check that usually doesn’t last long, and then I’m gone. I do it in the evening. Friday evening, God that was the worst check in I’ve ever had. Everything was going fine, and then I watched Krissy go into Tucker’s house. Just as I was getting ready to leave, she, too, left, then minutes later returned with a ton of stuff. I had a hunch about where this was going. And yeah, I was right. They went to a party. Since as long as I’d known Tucker, which really isn’t that long, he’s never been to one party, so I figured he wasn’t the type. Apparently, I was wrong. This was so dangerous, there could be anybody in there waiting to kidnap him. But it’s not like I could just appear out of nowhere and tell him to go home, so I decided I’d watch from outside, just to make sure. Dad says I’m definitely way too over protective of Tucker, but he understands why I’m doing this. I didn’t start these “check ins” until I was taken. From where I was sitting in a tree, I had a view of the front porch. Really, all I wanted was to see Tucker safely leave the party, and I’d be okay. But what I saw next killed me. He stepped out onto the porch with a guy, a guy who held his hand and kissed him. The bastard. Even if it was only on the cheek, Tucker is mine. And it was around then that I realized he really isn't, and he might not ever be...

       I was bummed the weekend was coming to an end, the dark orange sun setting slowly into the ground, throwing streaks of purple and pink across the sky. But I was definitely satisfied. The party had successfully gotten my mind completely off of Amaury for a few hours, and even after the affect wore off I noticed the hurt wasn’t nearly as bad as it had been.

Krissy was ecstatic when she found out about Paulie. Immediately, she wanted every last detail, and I fed them to her happily, actually a bit proud of myself. The night had gone a little fast, but we really didn’t do anything wrong. It was just a little fun. And besides, he gave me his number, it's not like I'll never see him again.

Honestly, I was kind of nervous about calling him. I hadn’t done anything like this in forever. Last night was easier because he basically led the whole thing, I just played along. The next move was all on me.

Oh, and don’t get me wrong, don’t think for one second that Amaury was completely off my mind, either. Sometimes I’d just space out at nothing as I thought about everything that had happened, beginning to end. Well, I hoped it wasn’t the end, but with the way things were going, who knew? Anything could happen; all I knew for sure was that whatever happened next was up to him.

He knows where I live, he knows where my locker is, he knows where I hang out, and he knows where Krissy’s locker is, too. Now all he has to figure out is if he’s ready to tell me the truth, because until he does, I’m not talking to him. It’s absolutely ridiculous that he refused to tell me and then ran away.

I sighed heavily. I was getting way too worked up about this.

It’s stupid that I’m sitting here, getting all pissed off and frustrated about something I can’t even control. But that’s why I’m pissed, because I can’t control it, no matter what I do. I can’t force him to tell me what the hell is going on with him.

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