- chapter thirteen -

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It had been a full week since they had first arrived in the town. (4 days behind Sheryl's original plan) The people of the small village were polite on some occasions, but for the most part, they kept to themselves and weren't very open to newcomers. Locus understood.

Liz, however, did not.

"Who the hell do they think they are?" The easy-tempered redhead snapped, pacing the room back and forth. The doctor was kind enough to let the soldiers stay with him while they were visiting. Liz and Johnny got the twin beds in one room, while Locus took the couch.

"They're not used to strangers," Johnny rolled his eyes at the frustrated girl, "Cut 'em some slack." Liz scoffed, "Would it really kill them to show me where the nearest place to find a gun is?"

"If a woman walked up to me in my pacifist and innocent town asking for a weapon, I would probably turn her down, as well," Locus shrugged, trying to hide his growing smirk. Liz started to rebuttal with an attitude, but she stopped as soon as she began thinking about his words.

"Well... When you put it like that..." She mumbled, crossing her arms in a sassy sort of way. There were a moment of silence before Johnny narrowed his eyes at the girl, "Why do you need a gun in the first place?"

Suddenly, the doctor bursts through the door with a huge grin plastered on his face. Liz rolled her eyes; he had a habit of interrupting and making an entrance. "Is there something wrong, doctor?" Locus stood up from the armchair with awareness.

"No, not at all," the man smiled brightly, "Me and the townsfolk have been thinking..." His sentences trailed off, and Liz quirked an eyebrow at him impatiently, "And?"

The doctor grinned at the amount of attention he was receiving, "And, we have decided to gather in celebration for your departure." The black-haired girl huffed a sarcastic laugh, "Aw, geez. Thanks."

"No, no, no. My words were jumbled," the man waved a dismissive hand about, "We want to send you off on a good note. A party, to remember you by." Liz couldn't help but shake the feeling of doubt pouring over her mind, "What, like a dance?"

"Exactly!" The doctor cheered delightfully. "I don't re-" The girl started to turn down the offer, but Locus was quick to cut her off, "We would be honored, sir. That's very kind of you and your town. You've done so much for us."

Locus could feel Liz's glare on the back of his skull, which made his grin grow even more. The doctor nodded, pleased with the response and proceeded to his office deeper in the clinic. The green and grey armored soldier waited until the man was out of earshot to turn and snap at Liz.

"You are going to that dance. Whether you like it or not."

"Fine, mom."


"This is a bit much," Johnny, with crossed arms, glanced around at the saloon with an impressed pout on his lips. Locus shrugged, "Perhaps it's an excuse for this town to party." The soldier laughed, "I wouldn't be surprised."

The mercenary absentmindedly scratched at the stiff collar around his neck. Formal events were not his cup of tea. "Relax, man," the boy swatted Locus with his hand, "You look fine." The man was confused at first, then realized what Johnny was trying to say. Locus was searching through the growing crowd for Liz, making sure his collar was nice and his hair was neat. Johnny must have noticed...

He scoffed at himself. Ridiculous.

Locus wanted to debate with the boy and tell him that he wasn't nervous about Liz. He was nervous about... the weather. Before the soldier could defend himself, his breath was taken away.

Liz surged through the crowd, her eyes scanning the room cautiously. Her jet black hair was pulled into a loose bun at the nape of her neck, with two braids along the side of her hairline. Her curves were draped in a deep green sundress. Locus couldn't help but think of how well it would've matched her vibrant emerald eyes, if it weren't for the contacts.

She finally spotted him, her dark red lips curling into a warm smile. Locus surprised himself and returned it with a grin. "You come here often?" The girl showed him a crooked smirk when she approached with her permanent sarcastic tone.

Locus chuckled, the air finally returning to his lungs. He held his breath while he gazed at her, "You look..." His sentence trailed off once he realized he didn't know how to describe her. He couldn't find a word to fit what she looked like right now. Nothing would be good enough.

"Great!" Johnny cheered, placing a firm hand on the mercenary's shoulder, "She looks great!" Liz nodded awkwardly, glad that the silence was over. Locus made a mental note to punch himself in the face after the dance.

Johnny glanced at the two of them, his lips sprouting into a mischievous smile. Locus immediately snarled him a warning. "Oh, look! I think I see a woman alone. What a horrific sight," the boy cried in fake agony, "I must go and save her!"

Liz giggled as he pushed past her, bumping her into the scowling mercenary. She caught herself on his chest, her body pressing against his. It took her a moment to regain her balance. Locus stood frozen as she rubbed the back of her neck, embarrassed.

"Well, I think it's time for a drink."

oh myyyy things are getting weird. what do you think will happen at the dance? leave a comment and let me know!

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