- chapter twenty -

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"Wipe that smug look off your face," Liz teased, her smirk mirroring his as she approached him. Locus chuckled, "Impossible." The soldier couldn't resist the urge to wrap his arms around her waist and bring their lips together. Liz squealed in delighted surprise. 

"Oh, God," a hoarse voice groaned in agony, "Please save me the PDA, will ya?" The two pulled apart from each other, smiling wickedly at the imprisoned woman. "What's the matter, Sheryl?" Liz stuck her bottom lip out in a fake pout, "Not enjoying your new home?"

"Fuck off," she hissed, leaning forward so that her face pressed against the cold metal of the bars. Locus and Liz had locked the woman in a cage, laughing as the refugees took turns spitting and glaring at the traitor.

"Best idea you've had in a while," Liz nudged her partner, circling her arm around his waist. He smiled, pulling her into him with a hand on her shoulder, "Tell me about it."


"It's late," she muttered softly. Locus jumped at the sound, but relaxed once he saw Liz approaching behind him. Even the sound of a pen dropping would've startled the soldier, considering the deep thought he was in.

He exhaled deeply, shaking his head, "I know." The fire was almost dead at this point, the embers glowing dimmer. Liz sat down next to him, her arms circling around his shoulders.

They sat in silence for a few moments, staring endlessly into the campfire. The refugee camp didn't have any healthy guards left to patrol the area, so Liz and Locus jumped at the opportunity to get some fresh air. Literally.

"Stop blaming yourself," the girl whispered, catching Locus off guard. "What?" He turned his head to look at her. "Even if we had gotten here last week, the power generator would still be gone. This is not your fault," Liz spoke sternly.

"I can't help but feel like it is," his voice was almost helpless when he replied. Liz shook her head, stroking his cheek gingerly with her fingertips. Then, she nuzzled her head against his shoulder. Locus kissed her forehead softly.

"She adores you," Liz mumbled after a short pause. Locus allowed himself to smile, which felt so foreign and sacred at this point. In a few moments, his grin faded, "What if I can't save her?" Liz immediately sat up straight, her eyes wide.

"What?" Her brow was crinkled. "What if I lose her?" Locus whispered, like he was afraid if he said it too loud it would come true. Liz's expression softened, and she scooted in front of him. Holding his hands, she shook her head, "You can't think like that."

"She's dying, Liz," his voice faltered, and he looked at her with glazed eyes, "Just like everyone else in this camp." The girl pulled him into her, his face nuzzling against her neck. She ran her fingers through his hair slowly.

His arms wrapped around her waist and squeezed, his eyes scrunching shut to stop the threat of tears. "I'm scared," he choked in a quiet voice. Liz blinked away the blurriness in her eyes and cleared her throat, "Me too."

hey guys! sorry this took a while, wattled deleted my whole chapter and i had to go from scratch again!!! it wasn't even in my revisions fml. but anyways, i have an important question. if i were to make a third book, who would read it? i don't wanna waste my time if only two people are gonna read it, so should i continue this one and make it thirty something chapters or have a short maybe ten chapter book? thanks!

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