Chapter 1:Goody-Two Shoes to Badass Killer

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Once Upon a Time, There was an Woman. An very kind Woman... She was beautiful and Sweet, Anyone appreciated her... Except her only Sister.... The Sister was Jealous, Cruel, Manipulative, And Disgusting. From an Child, To an Teen, Too an Adult...
The Lovely Woman was Aware... But too kind to ever be Angry. One day, She fell in love, However, She went through many obstacles to get to her love and she succeeded. And had an only child, An Beautiful and Lovelier Child... The Sister was Jealous, Beyond furious, And she got rid of the Lovely Woman's Father, Unknown his current whereabouts.... He was Deceased, and The Woman knew, Heartbroken, She only worked Harder despite having an Child already, Who grew into an Fine Child, She was named, (Y/n).. She got Good Grades, Loved Books, Had an Decent Behavior, Was polite... But didn't have friends... Until someone came along.
But.... As for something Happy happening, Something Bad was Fated to happen. Her mother died... Even though she put out her stress on the child rarely, The Child was Sad, However remained happy with Hide by her side... But she had to live with her. That disgusting woman Abused, Humiliated, Violated, Harmed, and HURT the child of the Lovely Women... The God's were furious.. An creation they had made.... Chose not to do the thing they expected... And the Mother of the Beautiful child.... Cursed the woman but for an Price... And the Child chose to live with her Trusted Friend. Years later, She became an Much more Beautiful Young Woman.... And the Price was... In exchange for Mental Disorder From Young Age prevention for the Daughter... Was to Make her much MORE insane, And Drastic Change... that changes her life.... But she can have something Block her Suffering.... (Y/n), The One-Eyed Queen..... Is Choosing her Destiny without an realization of what will happen... However, There are many possibilities that may happen.... To Change, and Choose her Destiny..
what will she go through?....


Your POV
Hi, I'm (Y/n) and I'm college, A Straight-A student, also the top of my class. With an GPA around 4.9-5.0. Everyone see's me as a person who is their idol, I am exactly an Example of an Good example. Girls wanna be me and Boys want to be friends with me then... make an attempt to date me. As much as strange as it sounds, it's almost like being popular, but I don't know if I am. Every male peers that knows me is aware that I'm uncomfortable with dating and no longer even try, Because of someone Who is important to me.. Hide, My Best Friend, Hideyoshi is his actual name, but I call him by Hide, most people do. He's probably the most Best, and First friend I have. Well, it's more of Childhood friend. He's cool..... But Elderly couples state that we make a good couple and we remind them of themselves when they were younger, that thought made me embarrassed and so did it make Hide embarrassed too. Any one would be. Especially with their long term Childhood Friend...
We're at a café known as Anteiku. I strongly like the café. The Coffee there is Pure Delicious and most likely the best in town. Today I'm filled with excitement because of this Man I had seen, he didn't seem bad. He was handsome too. "OI! snap out of it (Y/n)!" Hide said snapping his fingers gets in front of my face. "Huh?" I hummed, looking at Hide. "You've been staring at that dude for like an hour-! Oohhh!! Is my friend finally growing up?" Hide asked teasingly. "Hide! Be quiet you're attracting attention to our table!" I whisper-yelled. "So?" He's just pouted. "Don't attract too much attention please." I said. "Okay then." He shrugs. I take out a book and read the book The Black Goat's Egg from one of my favorite authors, known as Sen Takatsuki then I see him pull out the same book. 'Hey...he has a similar taste in books' I thought.
He noticed me looking at him, and smiled. I lightly blushed and turn my head away, as I mentally scold myself. Hide sees this and an unknown look on his face as he says, "Well I'll be leaving! Good luck." He said starting to pack his things quickly, as he pays. "No wait Hide don't just leave me here!" I whined. "Too bad get his number yourself it's time you open up your heart for once" He said somewhat seriously. "Okay... f-fine then." I Said. Hide then proceeds, and leaves. 'What was he about? He's never that serious..' I thought a bit suspicious. I sigh then I hear the chair shift in front of me. "Huh?" I look up to see that boy with glasses. I slightly blushed. "Hey, we have the same books." He says smiling, cheerfully.
"Hey! Hide!" I called out to my Best Friend as his head turns around, noticing me. "Huh oh hey what's up (Y/n)?" He asked as a curious look crossed his face. "Guess what!" I Said as I had felt a bubbly feeling in my heart. "What is it?" Hide asked as he looked at me curiously. "I got his number!" I said like I had accomplished something. "Oh and what's his name~?" He asked, sounded more like singing. "Oh!- His name is Kize Kamishiro. We have the same taste in books, same blood type, and same age!" I Said gladly. "Wow you guys have a lot in common... But what's with the blood type." Hide Said, whispering in the end. Just as I had felt the atmosphere changed solemnly and yet, sorrowfully. 'What's with the atmosphere.' I thought.
Hide's POV
'I knew (y/n) for a long time. She had so many friends but I'm her real friend, or she considers me as one and I consider her my best friend.... it wasn't that I wanted to be friends with her.... More than friends was what I was hoping for... I'm "sad" not because she's growing up, it's because she didn't end up liking someone me. We lived together after she mother died, we were mistaken for a couple multiple times. I'm not sad. I'm just..... heartbroken. I feel such a tight constriction in my heart. My breathing is difficult to control. What's wrong with me? She's just a friend. It's not like we're gonna get anywhere being married..... Yet, something doesn't feel right. Like she'll change after tonight. I'm probably jealous or being paranoid. I'll just brush the feeling off. No wait. Maybe I should do something about it. No. That's not a good idea. What if she starts to hate me... Then I'll just try not to interfere.' I thought. I was smiling on the outside. But. What I truly feel is just... so hard to explain. But I definitely don't like it.
Kize's POV
'Foolish human. Females are quite easy to deceive. She's so innocent the I can just eat her up, literally. Well, I need to get ready at 7:00.' "She smells delicious. I can't wait." I whispered quietly as I felt a smirk took over my face.
[Time Skip]
Your POV
"Okay (Y/n)! Calm down!" I said to myself excited for the date. "How am I suppose to calm down! Eeeeeeeeeeckkk!" I squealed. I got ready for the date I looked at the time that was 5:59. "About two hours until the date." I sighed, looking at the clock.
"Hey! Kize over here!" I said, waving my hand, so he could spot me. I arrived at my destination first as Kize was a bit late. "Hey (y/n)" Kize said. "Hi." I said simply, smiling, returning the greeting. We talked about things we haven't at Anteiku, many personal things, even if we have have dated anyone in the past. "Hey Kize, if you don't mind. Why haven't you ate your food?" I asked. "Oh. I'm actually might risk having an allergic reaction." He explained. "Yeah but if your allergic to it then why isn't it's affecting you? Won't it give a reaction of you are near it?" I asked. "Well, Not necessarily, because it has to make contact with my esophagus, which caused it to swell." He smiles. "Oh I've heard of that before. Then why don't you just order another I'll pay for it." I questioned. 'He doesn't need to be too polite. I can handle the pay of another meal.' I thought. "No I don't want to trouble you." He responded. "Are you sure, Kize?" I asked. Once more. "Yes I am." He clarifies. "Okay tell me if you change your mind." I said smiling. "Okay. But I won't." He stated, still smiling. 'Wow he's gonna starve.' I thought, continuing to eat. 'But why don't we go to another restaurant? I mean that's the most logical thing ever.' I thought. 'He must be an slight idiot too.' I thought.
Kize's POV
'I don't need to eat this crap humans call food. I'll be eating you.' I had a magnificent idea of devouring her. Yet.... I just feel such an unknown feeling. Something from the deepest part of my heart. But I couldn't identify it. But then again. The feeling might be because of her.
Your POV
We were leaving and we passed 2 school girls. One of them looked at Kize and me worriedly. I just brushed it off. And continued to walk with Kize.
Touka's POV
'Oh Crap. Why- it's Kize. I don't know what he's even planning with the girl.' I thought just them me and Yoriko started to talk about things. But I still couldn't ignore the feeling nor the thought.
Your POV
"Hey (y/n)?" Kize asked somewhat unsteadily. "Yes?" I answered "The way you were looking at me... I can relate." He blushed. "Does that mean..." I said. We were at a abandoned construction site that had closed currently. 'Is he gonna confess to me!!?' I internally asked myself, happy. "I have also took an interest in you..." My eyes widened at this. He came closer to me and hugged me. I smiled but then my smile turned into a frown of fear when I saw red dust. Suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder. I look over at Kize and see him with eyes with a black player where the white is supposes to be and red for the iris and black for the pupil and red veins surrounding his eyes. I groaned and yelled in pain. "Wow.... you're so tasty... I want more.." Kize growled inhumanely. I backed away away and fall down distracted by the pain as the blood poured on the books. "Do you know what I like more than reading books? It's hearing the screams of humans that don't run from me!!!" He yelled creepily. I try to run from him when I knew I wasn't gonna get anywhere. But one of his tendrils caught me, as he threw me against the walls repeatedly with his tendrils that are glowing dangerously red. He finally threw me against one of the walls that is connected to the beams above. He impales me twice destroying a few of my organs. I hurriedly crawled away from Kize and the beam. Kize, he stood under the beams. Then the wire snaps and the beams fell and crushed Kize. I gasped as I felt a dizzy and black feeling in my head. As I passed out before hearing a scream.
Kize's POV
'This isn't the last of me. Because. I'm not going to kill this human. I'll just help her. But. We'll just have to see.' I had thought, painfully as I had closed my eyes from pain. "Yet. I'm sorry this had to happen. I wish things could turn out differently." I smiled. I can't believe why I even said this. "Well. Wonder if we'll meet again." I smirked. A couple of tears stung my eyes. 'Am I just forcing myself to think this. Or is this a vow?' I questioned. But I couldn't answer it as I met the world of black.
Your POV
I woke up in the hospital hearing a lot of beeping. It had been months since the incident and I haven't ate anything. Apparently they transferred Kize's organs in me but that help me survive which is good. -Yet I didn't  know what will happen that will change forever.-
I flew away from Japan and learned English. I had spoken well. I'm at the woods with my first mask.

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