Chapter 12: Christmas Time, Part 2

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Your POV
I dragged Brian off. We got to Walmart searching for a bon fire since we might as well. "There's lots of brands. We shouldn't get the expensive or cheap ones." I suggested. Brian didn't respond as he was just cringing. "Brian?" I asked. "I need to use the rest room. Stay here." He said as he ran off. I sighed looking at the store and examining objects. "Hey there." A voice called out. I deadpanned. 'Why does every where I go there always some shithead hitting on me.' I mentally complained. "Greetings." I answered robotically. "Hey Babe. Wanna hang out." The guy tried to flirt. "Sorry. I am currently occupied so unfortunately I am unable to attend along with you. In other words. No." I said. "Occupied? No ones here with ya'. So why don't you come with me?" This idiotic stupid guy said. "I cannot." I said. "Why not?" He asked. "Because. She's with me." Brian said as he appeared behind the guy glaring at him with deadly and sinister aura. "W-wha?" The guy said. "Fuck off. She's taken by me." Brian said, I felt my face flush a bit. 'Did he just say I was taken? Yeah probably did.' I thought. "Why would she date a loser like you." The guy said randomly. "She belongs to ME. Now. Scram." Brian said with a deadly aura pouring from him. 'He just said I belonged to him.' I mentally stated. "S-sorry dude! I didn't know she was taken!" The guy apologized pathetically running away. "I honestly hate guys who hits on women and who are cowards." I admitted. "Good. You should know damn well that I'm not a coward." Brian said besides my ear. 'When the hell did he get near me?' I mentally thought, feeling my face burn up. "Well. Let's hurry. We need to get some marshmallows, graham crackers, chocolate, and all of the items that we came here for." I said. "Well. Let's get going." Brian said as he got the cart. When I turned around, the cart bumped into me. "Brian?" I asked as I looked back. "I can't believe there's barely anyone at the stores." Brian deadpans. It is true, the pervy guy and co-workers where the only ones here. "Well. Let's hurry." He said. We searched a few aisles and found some of our desired items. I looked at a clock that was near the bathroom. "It's 8:32PM. We need a hurry." I said. We did random stunts. Brian ran through the aisles and I chased after him riding the cart. "Wait up Brian!" I yelled. "Gotta catch up!" He yelled back. Later when I caught up, he pushed me into the cart driving away.
[Few Minutes Later]
We paid for the food and the bon fire we chose. "Well. Let's hurry and meet Jeff and Tim." I said by the time we arrived at the park, we waited. "Well. It was quite enjoyable while it lasted." Brian said. I could've sworn I saw him blush for a second. "I... I have something to tell you." He said. "Yes?" I asked. "I-." Brian got interrupted. "YOU'RE ON TIME SHITHEADZ!" Tim said as Brian irked. "Good timing." I said sarcastically. "Yeah yeah." Tim sneered. "Gee. Hoodie looks pissed off." Jeff stated. "That's because I am in-fact beyond pissed off." Hoodie stated. "Well. Time to switch." Tim said as he pushed Brian towards Jeff.
"Go fuck each other. Kay'." Tim said as Brian and Jeff irked. "Well. You two do something random. I'll call you guys when Jeff needs to switch." I said. "See ya'. I wanted to be next dammit." Jeff said at the end muttering. "Huh? What was that?" I asked. "Nothiiinnnggggg~." Jeff sang. "Weird ass." Tim commented. "Don't be rude." I Said. "Yeah yeah. What ever." Tim said rudely. "I can leave you here in the park and get the supplies myself." I Said. "I can walk." He replied. "With someone supporting you." I stated. "I heal fast as fuck." He said. I only sighed. "Fffiiiiinnnnneee." I said.
"So. What did you get?" I asked. "Well..... Let's seeee..... none of ya' fucking business." He said. "Quite the potty mouth." I Said as he just snorted picking his ear. "What kind of things did you guys even get?" I asked pushing his wheel chair through the mall. "Nothin' Jeff said he wanted a damn knife instead of a So-called shitty crowbar. We couldn't think the same so we got kicked out the weapon something Shit store." He said. "Wow. That's........ not surprising." I stated. "The fuck!?! What do you mean it's not surprising?!?" He said. "Quiet. There's children here." I deadpanned. "Don't give a damn bout' kids." He replied. "You're so mean." I replied. "Ha! Yeah right." He said loudly. "Geez, I feel so bad for that lovely young lady. Being in a abusive relationship." A woman whispered to her friend. "That's no way to treat someone lovely such as her so and very disrespectfully." Another one replied. Tim got pissed off. "OI! Lady. You better watch your goddam mouth!! Or else I'll-." Before Tim could continue a got a bread sample a worker in a mall café was holding on the tray, and I shoved it in his mouth. "My deepest apologies. My dear husband just seems to be in a bad mood when he is hungry. Please accept our apologies." I Said as Tim yelled incoherent words and curses as I just shoved the bread more attempting to get him to shut up. "Right? Dear?" I asked. "Arrghh! Haaee rruuu nough dammy hisshh!! HAARRHGGH FAALKKONG NOO!!(I'll have you know damn bi***!! Hell ****ing no)" He yelled through the bread. "What was that? I didn't hear a Sorry?" I Said. He sighed through the bread as the irk mark on his head increased size. "Immm saaarrrrooyyy." He said. I removed the bread from his mouth. "*Sighs* I'm SoRrY.... Mam." He apologized unwillingly. "Say it like you mean it, Tim." I said. "Sorry Mam." He said quickly. "What part of 'Say it like you mean it' is confusing." I asked. "I'm sorry Man." He said. "Say it properly. She isn't a man, Tim." I ordered. "Saaaaaarrrryyyyy She jut looks like a man. All Masculine and shit." He said. "Tim! Don't say that!! Just say sorry properly already!" I Said. "Sorry woman." He said rudely.
[A few minutes later attempting to get Tim to apologize]
"Just say it Tim! It isn't that hard! It's the same as cussing someone you hate out." I Said. "Why can't I just do that?" He asked. "My god! TIM!" I yelled. "Geez! Okay okay I'm sorry!" He said. "Look at the Nice Lady while you say it!" I yelled. "Well she probably wants to go." He said. "Ma'am?" I asked. "I don't accept disrespect. I won't move an inch until you apologize properly." The woman stated. "Why you-." I shoved the bread back in Tims mouth before he could talk. "Now. Let's start this over. Say sorry." I Said. He just shook his head in strong disagreement. "Stop acting like a child!" I ordered. He just huffed through the bread. "Geez. You really are a Jackass. So stubborn." I Said he glared at me. "Say sorry." I ordered. "No." Tim took out the bread from his mouth. "Now." I ordered. "No thanks." He replied. "If you don't do it-." Before I could use the threat, he shoved the other side of the bread in my mouth and got up and pushed me down on the wheel chair. "See ya' later! BITCHES!!" He yelled. I got the bread out my mouth. "Tim what are you-." I yelled he just pushed the wheel chair out of the mall quickly. "IMM SSOOORRRYYY!" I yelled from a distance. "Be sure to get a divorce!" The woman yelled back. "Why did she say get a divorce?" Tim asked. "They thought we were Married." I said as Tim blushed a little. "They literally said that- never mind." I said, letting that go.
"Thanks to you. We wasted more than 20 minutes trying to get you to apologize." I Said. Tim was right, he did heal quickly, he placed the wheel chair somewhere and called someone to pick it up or leave it there. "Yeah whatever." He Said. "We didn't even get anything. Well. The next location to meeting is at Starbucks." I Said. "At that weird coffee place?" He asked. "Yeah. I already called EJ. He said he'll be here in sometime." I said. We arrived at the Starbucks and me and Tim went and got in line. "What were they gonna get again?" He asked. "They informed me that they hadn't decide on a Christmas tree. They said that the Slenderman Forest was no good. So they plan on contacting someone associated with Slender to go to a freezing place where there will be a Christmas tree." I replied. Tim had a look on his face that was unknown. "Can I go along. I️ mean, after all, Brian and Tim are still set on presents. Me an EJ wouldn't do a single Shit alone together. Plus, I'm better when I'm in the wood, and with you." Tim whispered the last part. I just ignored it. "Well. I suppose there is a better choice to do so. So I suppose it's a yes." I Said, Tim smirked in success. "What can I get for you today." The male worker said. "What do you want? You go first." I said to Tim. "I dunno. Maybe...... how 'bout a Cappuccino ." He said. "Sure. What about you sweet-cheeks~" The Guy flirtatiously asked as my eye twitched and an strand of my hair popped out.. "A expresso. I don't really know any names." I Said. "Sure? Name?" The guy asked. "Tim." Tim said. " Okay, By the way, Can I asked you somethin'?" He asked, I sensed irritation from Tim. "Uhhh- Yes?" I asked annoyed. "If I saw you naked, I would die happy." He said. 'Great. Another Shithead hitting on me. Fucking Gross. Too much sexual harassment already happened..' I thought blankly. "If I saw you naked, I would die cringing." I Said as Tim stifled his laugh. The guy just ignored my last comment. "Tch. Let's go. This loser doesn't know who the hell he's talkin' to." Tim said loosing his amused expression. "Just hurry with the damn drinks." He continued. "It's on it's way. Just wanna See if this babe over here wanna come over my place tonight. Or do you wanna go to yours."The guy said pervertedly as Tim clicked his tongue. "Both. You go to yours and I'll go to mines. Also stop using shitty pick up lines you got from the internet." I Said. Before the guy could say something else, Tim wrapped his arm around my waist as I felt my face burn a bit. "Fuck off. She's not yours." Tim said glaring at the guy. "Hey babe. Why don't we ditch this loser and hang out later~? Hmm?" He asked. "Actually I have quite the schedule. Also no." I Said. "Yeah. Sure. Think about-." Before the guy could even continue, Tim held him by his shirt. It's a good thing that we're the only ones here now and the customers where all outside, all the workers except for the guy in front of me is busy. "Look you pathetic loser. If she rejects your dumb ass, then deal with it. But since you didn't, expect hell tonight, because I'm gonna fucking kill you." Tim said threateningly, the guy had a look of fear all over his expression as Tim shoved the guy. "We have two drinks for for Tim. A Cappucino an Expresso." A worker said as she walked away back into helping. "Come on." Tim said as he grabbed my hand and we got our drinks and went outside. Once we got out. Her realized that he was holding my hand. I saw his face turn slightly red as he let go of my hand, and sat in the place away from then rest of the customers. Tim sat in his chair slouching with his his legs near each side of the chair. 'Geez. His manner is much alike Ayato's." I thought comparing his manner to mines, mines was normal, with my back straight, and my body properly sitting. "Oh. Thanks back about back there. I appreciate that you stood up for me even though I was capable of doing so myself." I thanked as I swore I saw a tint of pink on his cheeks. Tim just sipped his coffee as so did I. "Umm. Hey. (Y/n)..... ummm. Can. I.... tell you.... something?" He asked as I arched my brow in confusion. "Certainly." I Said. He gulped. "Well. All this time. I just wanted to say that I L-." Before he could say anything someone interrupted. "Am I interrupting something? Perhaps I am." EJ Said as he appeared out of nowhere with Kaneki in his human form. "Wait. I thought the harasser 2.0 was gonna with harasser 1.0." Tim asked. "I thought you would ask, "WHEN THE HELL DID YOU GET HERE???!?" Since that's what you usually say." EJ states as Tim glared at him. "Oh yeah. Uta went with Ayato instead. They already informed me." I Said. "I forgot to tell you. Also. What was it that you where gonna say to me?" I asked Tim. "That I like to hate cheesecake." Tim said rather quickly. "Oh...... okay?" I Said. "Yeaaaahhhhhh. Okay let's go." Tim said. "What. Are we going along?" EJ asked. "I thought we were gonna spend time separating?" Kaneki asked. "Well. Tim would be bored and EJ wouldn't be happy about that. Why not?" I asked. "I don't see why we should but if you want to, then yes." Kaneki said. "It'll take two hours." EJ Said. "That's okay." I Said. "By the way. Where will we be going?" I asked. "To Canada." EJ Said as Tim spat out his Cappuccino on Kaneki. "What?! Our trip there will be LOOONNNNGGH AS HELL!!!!" Tim yelled. "Shh. Just shut up. We will meet someone to go there." EJ said. "Had you call them yet?" I asked. "No." EJ replied. "Then we can get there." I said. "We need to get somewhere where there is a mountain." I said. "Well. The mountains here aren't very good. Do you know somewhere." EJ asked. "Yosemite. Yosemite falls. Although it is far/Not far from here, we still need teleporting." I said. "I'll make a call for Splendor." EJ said.
"So! Who's ready here today! Hehehe!" Splendor said cheerfully in his human form. "Why didn't we just get someone else." Tim complained. "Well. Why did you call me here!" Splendor asked. "So you could teleport us to Yosemite." EJ said. "Oh. That? Well you see EJ-boy." Splendorman said as Tim stilled a laugh. "Pffft! EJ-Boy? Haha...." Tim tried to keep his laugh. "I can't teleport." Splendor Said. "...." We kept quiet. "...". "Then can you call one of your brothers?" EJ asked. "Sure! Be right back!" Splendorman cheered as he ran quickly. "PFFFT!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH!! My GOD- DUDE!! HAHAHAHA!!! HE CALLED YOU EJ-BOy!!!!" Tim laughed. "Shut It." EJ ordered sinisterly. "Pffft!! Sure- kekekeke~ E.J. Boi." Tim said as EJ was gonna murder Tim's mental thoughts. "He's here!" Splendor came back quickly with Offenderman by his side in his human form as I spat out my coffee on Kaneki. "I'll need to wash up later." Kaneki boredly Said. "WHATS HE DOING HERE?!?!" Tim asked pointing an accusing finger at Offender. "Well~ it seems that Deary over there needs my help~." Offender said trying to place his charms on me. "If you're trying to seduce me, you shouldn't, Since it would practically be useless." I Said. "Well~. I can teleport you on one condition~." Offender Said. "What would that be." EJ asked. "Allow me to borrow the beauty's body~ Then, I will teleport you to the mountain." Offender offered just as Masky spat his Cappuccino on Kaneki. "Stop. Spitting. In. My. Damn. Direction." Kaneki said. "Yeah. Yeah whatever. Like Hell I would even let you take her body. Her body doesn't belong to you. She already had some shithead do so already." Tim assumed. "Well. Actually. I have no experience." I admitted as Tim spat his coffee on Kaneki. For the third time. "I'm not gonna repeat it. Don't spit the coffee in my direction." Kaneki said. "You Just repeated it." Tim said. "Don't be a smartass with me." Kaneki ordered. "Aren't you pissed that Offender is about to take advantage of (Y/n)?!" Masky yelled. "She isn't that stupid enough to actually let him "borrow" her body. She is intelligent. Unlike you of course." EJ insulted. "What- never mind." Tim said having a look of stress on his face.
Tim's POV
I was deciding if I should really let Offender take us. Splendor is annoying, Trendor is obsessive with clothing, not to mention that Offender is gonna offend (Y/n).
I was just walking down the gothic hall in the mansion. "Come on dear~ Just take the flower as an..... gift~." I heard the perverts voice. 'Probably hitting on Clockwork or Jane or someone.' I thought. As I walked by the scene I didn't get a good look at the person but I realized who it was. "I'm sorry. However. Gifts like these aren't gonna convince me. I can smell lust around you and in you. You don't even fool me one bit. Even if I hadn't got that warning from Masky, I would've already realized it." I heard Eyepatch's voice. I turned and saw Offender trying to seduce the newcomer. "Well. You sure are quite smart~ I can fulfill...." As Offender got closer to her ear. "Your se-." Before he could continue, Eyepatch kicked his balls as I almost laughed out loud as I watched Offender gasp for more than 20 seconds in pain as Eyepatch retrieved her foot from his AHEM! Just as he dropped to the floor in pain, gripping his You-know-what. "Look, Sir. You are such a disgrace to all of the Slender family. How disgusting, seducing women into your faceless self. I don't see anything but unattractive lust. If you wanna keep your manhood. Stay away from me." Eyepatch threatened. As she was going to walk away, a white tendril wrapped around her wrist and held her back. "Hehehe~...... HAHAHA~ You are quite a pathetic person, thinking that YOU can escape me? I'll have to punish you then." Offender Said as when he was going pull Eyepatch back, my body moved on its own. Stepping on his tendril, forcing him to let go in pain, I pushed Eyepatch behind me, my arm outstretched her behind me. "Tim?" She said as her voice that was angelic covered and muffled by her mask. Wait- angelic? "Look Offender. Go fuck some other chick. Kay? This ones not available. Unless you want me to inform Slenderman that you tried to sexually assault Eyepatch." I threatened. "Ha! You? Tell my brother? My brother? Who do you think will believe you?" Offender asked. "It's pretty obvious, isn't it? You've harassed most of the females in the mansion. If he finds out that you tried to lure Eyepatch and do that disgusting shit, he will obviously believe since he knows that we aren't lying. Plus. Two against one." Tim stated. "You actually used your cocky and ignorant brain once. What's so special about her? You said if she was in my hands, you wouldn't do any shit? Was what you said." Offender tried to convince. "Well. I said for Eyepatch to not accept an Rose. I didn't say I wouldn't do shit if it was against her will." I said. "Very well then. You win, Timothy. I'll leave her alone. Or will I?" Offender Said. "Tch! OI SLENDER!" I yelled through the mansion. "He was- serious??" Offender Said. "What is it this time?" Slenderman appeared. "B-brother. Well hello there." Offender Said nervously hiding his rose. "What are you doing in the halls. Didn't I tell you not to leave your chambers." Slender Said. "N-no. I just- went to get.... Umm.... I didn't want to sit around." Offender tried to reason. "Masky? Eyepatch?" Slender asked looking at us. I gave Offender as Offender looked away signaling 'Okay'. "It's true. Not." I muttered the last part. "Well. I will drop this. For now. Now. You back to your chambers." Slenderman ordered. "Yes Slenderman." Eyepatch Said. "Yes Master." I agreed. "Understood.... brother." Offender Said as he teleported back in his room. "I'll be taking my leave." Slenderman Said as he left teleporting from his spot. I relaxed my arm and turned around. "Why would you do that?" Eyepatch asked. "Well......" I couldn't come up with an answer. "I didn't want to stay up at night." I gulped. "Uuhhmm.... Okay. Well. Even though I didn't need your help. Thank You." She Said. "Yeah. Yeah." I Said. She unzipped the zipper to her mask and kissed my mask. I felt my face burning behind my mask just when she zipped up her mask. "W-well. Just st-stay away from that f-fucking Perv." I stammered. I never even stammered. Especially towards an woman, not even to Ann. "Certainly." She Said as she walked away to her room. I touched the side of my mask. I started walking and walking to my room thinking about what just happened as I reached my room, that I shared with Brian. I opened the door. "It took you long enough." Hoodie said. "Shut up Brian." I said sitting on my bed. "You look like you've seen something you don't believe in." Hoodie annoyed me from the other side of the room. "Whatever.' Shut up." I Said. "I'm only listening because I don't want to deal with your annoyance." Hoodie said. "Look who's talking." I said glaring at Hoodie through my mask. I ignored him and thought about what happened.
[Flashback Ended]
"Never mind. Let's just take a train there." I Said. "A train? That's gonna take a loooonnnng Time. Especially for a Christmas tree. It is December 24th Anyway." EJ Said. "24th of December? Isn't it 14th of December?" Splendor asked. "What do you mean. It said it on the Calendar at the mansion." I asked. "No. Ask." Splendor Said. (Y/n) went around and saw a woman sitting on a chair. "Excuse me, Ma'am." She asked. 'Too polite for my taste in women.' I thought secretly having an feeling deep in my stomach. "Yes dear?" She asked. "What day is it?" She asked. "Well it's December 14th." The woman Said. "Really. Thank you." (Y/n) thanked as she quickly came back to us. "Call everyone." She ordered.
Your POV
"WHAT?!?!?" Everyone yelled. "That's right. It's December 14th. It's only ten days until Christmas." I said. "Why and how did the Calendar change to December 14?" Jeff asked as Ben had a hint of suspicion on his face. "Ben?" We all asked in unison. "Okay. Okay. I changed it. I wanted to fuck up our schedule so I- pffft! Changed it!" Ben laughed, but that didn't last long as everyone was standing over him with shadowing eyes. "BENJAMIN!!!" We all yelled.


A few seconds later, Ben had bumps and bruises all over his face and body.
"No wonder the atmosphere felt like ten days early." Slenderman said. "So...... what do we do?" EJ asked. "I will explain. Go around the world and get Christmas supplies." He said. "What." We all said in unison. "Do not worry. There will be some more coming along. Such as Kagekao, Lost Sliver, Glitchy Red, and some who wants to come along. "This is preposterous!" Tsukiyama shouted. "Yeah- No one gives a single shit." Tim spat as Tsukiyama went into his empty corner. "Any way. This whole time. It was December 14th?" I asked. "Yes. But since I was planning on taking a break. I will you you all a privilege. You may kill up to 10 people in 12 hours. If you don't, you can kill 20 in the next 12 hours." Slenderman man said. "Yes." Jeff whispered victoriously, pumping his fist, but everyone obviously heard him. Everyone just stared at him. He just cleared his throat and signaled Slenderman to continue. "All of you behave on your trip until so." Slender man ordered. "Understood." Everyone said in unison. "Wait. But when we buy something, where do we place the objects?" Hoodie asked. "We will send someone to get them. Leave it at a specific place, and draw 'The Mark' and place it above it. It will then teleport back in my office." Slenderman ordered as everyone nodded. "Well. This is a hell of a trip." Tim chuckled.

To be continued.....

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