Not Much Has Changed

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Merry-Sue opened her eyes and, only after rubbing them with her hands and some aggressive blinking, came to terms with the fact that she was really back in BC. The scientists had not transported with her, she noted. She was standing in her own back yard, under a full moon, alone. Evidence of her miserable wedding fiasco was still present in the form of a cave altar and the guest tables that had been set up on that day. The clean white cloths covering them were stained and the cutlery was overturned and most even shattered. All the food, including the flattened wedding cake, was cleared; some by guests, some by hungry animals, some by greedy cave folk.

Merry-Sue yelled out in frusteration and kicked the leg of the nearest table. She had gotten used to the feeble constructions of the 21st century, which she could easily damage if she chose to utilize her cave strength, but this table was built by cavemen, from pure, hard wood. Merry-Sue was now crying out in pain and holding onto her foot. But she didn't want the pain to go away, because it was justifying her tears and she just wanted to cry for a while.

Have Rachel and Becky noticed I'm gone yet? She wondered. Of course not, that'll happen in like 5.000 years.

Merry-Sue was thankful that cave people, or at least her family, were very sound sleepers, whose slumber was not easily disturbed. Otherwise, they'd have been woken up by all the noise in their back yard by now, especially with the fact that their house had no doors or windows to provide sound isolation. Sigh, Merry-Sue was already feeling nostalgic about the 21st century. She loved door knobs.

Having nowhere else to go, or rather, not wanting to go anywhere else, she decided to try to find Boris. But what if her mother had kicked him out after Merry-Sue disappeared? Where would she find him? Merry-Sue felt hopeless and frusterated now more than ever. She didn't want to have to have a plan and hold it together and not cry. She wanted to just be care free, a nobody, just another face in the crowd, like she always got to be when she was with Becky. She made a few steps towards one of the wedding tables with the intention of crawling under it and hiding from her problems, but she tripped over a rock and face-planted on the ground.

"What the-" Merry-Sue lifted her head and noticed she was staring at the side of her family's house, where her bedroom used to be. She saw the dark little square-shaped opening in the wall where a window would have been if windows had been invented and remembered all the times she jumped out of there and onto Boris's back. A little to the right, she could see the beginning of the familiar dirt path which led down to their playground at the bottom of the mountain.

"That's it!" Merry-Sue exclaimed. Boris must be on their playground. Merry-Sue turned to look back at what she had tripped on and couldn't believe her eyes. It wasn't just any old rock. "Bobby! I forgot I had you with me! Did you fall out of my clothes to show me the answer to my problems again? You wise-cracker, you."

Merry-Sue swooped down to replace Bobby The Rock in her pocket. Once he was safely tucked away, she began her quiet descent down the mountain. Luckily, she was wearing stealth clothes for her mission to Myrna's mansion. The fake panther skin dress she had on provided great coverage in the darkness, as she preffered not to attract attention yet.

When she was close enough to see the playground, she witnessed a huge boulder the size of a house stationed on the dry dirt. As she got closer, though, she realized the 'boulder' was snoring. That recognizable snore was unmistakably her pet dinosaur's!

"Boris?" Merry-Sue whispered as she got closer. The dinosaur, having been disturbed by the presence of her voice and smell, began sleepily parting his eye lids. Once he spotted his old friend, he fluttered them in disbelief. Then, suddely, Boris sprang back to wakefulness and began wagging his tail uncontrollably.

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