Between A Rock And A Bobby

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Merry-Sue stretched her arms into the air and felt the muscles in her shoulders and upper back tense pleasantly. Her eyes fluttered open to meet the luminescent twilight in the boarded dog house. She placed her hands behind her head to coushin her scalp and stared up at the cobwebbed wooden ceiling. She could feel the sun rays infiltrating through the cracks in the boards as they tickled her feet and made rails across her legs. She didn't have an alarm clock, so she was relying on her biological clock to wake her up in time for school.

Most teenagers detest Mondays, but, as it turns out, cave girls quite look forward to them. Merry-Sue rubbed her eyes and hopped out of bed, feeling fresher than ever. Rachel had sewed her a new, fake leopard skin dress, complete with a beige overcoat to cover her up during the rainy, windy spring days, but also to make her the most fashionable cave girl of the century. Merry-Sue was as grateful as she was impressed. She changed into her new clothes and felt like a milion cave bucks!

She snuk out of the dog house and scaled the Montagues' water spout, ninja warioring to Rachel's bedroom window again. This time, she was a little too early, because Rachel was still asleep, so Rachel got to wake up to a face full of wild cave hair. Merry-Sue quickly covered Rachel's mouth to stop her from screaming and let go when the girl calmed down, realizing it was just Merry-Sue.

"You have a horrible way of making an enterance," Rachel groaned, feeling her desk for her phone to check the time, "You're lucky my alarm was about to ring, otherwise you'd be going right back out that window."

Merry-Sue grinned sheepishly.

Rachel yawned and dragged herself out of bed, quite unenthusiastically, "Also, your hand tastes like dirt. When was the last time you showered?"

Merry-Sue considered the question. She hadn't washed properly since travelling back to the future. . . But she hadn't taken advantage of her mother's spa either. . . She couldn't help laughing when her answer was finally fledged, "Last time I was here. . . So, three years ago."

Rachel ran to the bathroom to scrub her tongue off.

In the other room, Becky's peaceful slumber was disturbed by a Britney Spears song. Groaning, she reached for her phone to press snooze. Five minutes later, a Five Finger Death Punch song blasted in her ear. That time, she got up. Wiggling into her slippers and sliding into a bathrobe, Becky went straight downstairs to have breakfast. Not because she was hungry, but because she couldn't be bothered to deal with anything else this early in the morning.

In the kitchen, Mrs Montague was already asembling a bowl or Corn Flakes and glass of orange juice for her younger daughter. Becky entered the room and sleepily ignored a cheerful good morning. She sat down and poured some milk into her bowl, failing to ackowledge when Mrs Montague told her to finish up quickly and left the room.

Behind Becky's back, as the former chewed her crunchy cereal loudly and supported her head with one arm resting against her cheek, a silhouette appeared in the window frame. At first, a pair of twiggy legs dangled down from the sky. Then they seemed to latch on to an object obscured from view and a very loud leopard pattern bobbed in and out of view. At one point, the full depiction of a cave girl scaling down the water spout could be seen, but Becky was oblivious. Unfortunately, the cave girl lost her grip and failed to replace it in time. She crashed onto the ground, would be silently, if she hadn't screamed like someone was sawing her in half. Don't worry, the fall wasn't that painful.

Becky jumped at the sound of a scream and turned immediately towards the window. Nothing was there. She shrugged and resumed eating her cereal.

Later that morning, Rachel dropped Merry-Sue and Becky off in the school grounds, again before the parking lot. Merry-Sue was complaining that her foot and knee were hurting her. She limped behind Becky towards the enterance of the school, as Becky recited the Monday class schedule so that Merry-Sue didn't have to ask all the time. They strode down the enterance hall towards Becky's locker. Merry-Sue was trying her hardest to sponge up all the influx of information as the image of Ally questioning why she didn't have the school schedule played in the back of her mind. She was suddenly overwhelmingly annoyed by the fact that she had to go out of her way for some stupid blond no-name. Anger was coursing through her body and she felt she might punch someone, but she composed herself. Being a 21st century girl was hard and stressful work.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2018 ⏰

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