Back To The Future

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"Stop! She's stealing the Sword! Guards!" Ther yelled frantically, having discovered a little too late that Merry-Sue was, in fact, not his ex girlfriend Tiffany. He tried dating almost every nymph in Olympus (they just wanted him to get close to Thor) so it was hard to remember which ones looked like sleep-deprived cave girls and which didn't usually.

Merry-Sue was panicking. The Sword was in her clutches. Literally, she was clutching the hilt with a death grip in both hands. Not because it was heavy, it was actually surprisingly light, but because she physically couldn't let go even if she tried. She was petrified. She could hear hurried footsteps ascending the staircase. She expected Ther to lunge at her and retrieve his own Sword, but she supposed he was too much of a coward for that, since he wasn't really doing much except yelling and whining.

Having no options left but to actually use the Sword to remove herself from the situation, Merry-Sue started swinging it around frantically, as you do with an unpredictable object, imagining herself disappearing from here and appearing safely outside the borders of Olympus. She closed her eyes and felt unexplicably as if the Sword was charging itself with energy. Then she felt someone tug at the Sword and attempt to pull her forward. She couldn't bear to open her eyes. Within miliseconds, the tugging became too powerful to resist and Merry-Sue felt herself slowly leaning, falling forwards. She placed her left leg quickly in front of her body to stop herself from faceplanting. The tugging ceased and Merry-Sue opened her eyes. She expected to see Ther or the demigods in front of her, but she was now standing before The Gates of Olympus.

"Whoa," she whispered, "It actually worked?!"

Mesmerised, Merry-Sue checked to see if all of her body parts were in tact. They were! So the Sword really did have magical abilities. Medusa was right. But could it take her to the future?

Merry-Sue decided to test her luck once more. This time, she held onto the hilt of the Sword firmly, upright and close to her chest. She closed her eyes and tried to concentrate on the thought of appearing in front of Rachel and Becky again. She felt the tugging sensation once more and, deciding it was benign, this time simply took a step forward. Then she opened her eyes.

She found herself in what seemed to be someone's backyard. A backyard full of tall stones. . . No, it was a funeral ground with tombstones. Merry-Sue felt rain drip onto her head. It was dark and cold, but a chill ran down her spine only when she saw the looming figure of a silhouette hunched over a newly dug grave a few feet away. Carefully and quietly, Merry-Sue stepped towards the figure and peaked at the engravement on the tombstone.

|Rebecca Montague|

"Oops," Merry-Sue said sheepishly and retreated, "Too far into the future."

She put the Sword to her chest again and closed her eyes, imagining herself traveling a few decades into the past. This time there was no tugging, but instead a pressure on her chest pushing her backwards. Merry-Sue didn't resist it. She took a step back and opened her eyes.

It was horrible. Rachel was lying in a hospital bed with her legs spread wide open, wearing nothing but a hospital gown and a bunch of nurses around her were screaming "PUSH!"

"OH, I DID NOT NEED TO SEE THAT!" Merry-She yelled im disgust when the baby's head began appearing. Feeling she was now scarred for life, she once again closed her eyes, prayed and took a step back.

"Oh," she though upon opening her eyes once more, "This seems about right."

Merry-Sue was standing across the street from what she was sure was the Montague residence. Her suspicions were confirmed when Rachel, real life teenage Rachel, opened the front door and stepped outside. Merry-Sue's heart almost burst with joy. She felt like she hadn't seen her in years. Like, 5.000 years. Rachel seemed even more beautiful and radiant to Merry-Sue than ever before, like looking at someone dear to you again after a long time.

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