The Snake Saves The Day

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Fuming, Merry-Sue stormed out of Johnson's chamber (she then ran back in to bid him a polite goodbye and apology so he wouldn't unleash unspeakable evil upon all the cave people and then stormed back out). She hit the Level 1 button in the elivator a little too hard which her knuckles weren't too happy about. Apparently vampires had caved-human-proofed their mountain, from all the security on the borders to the obscenely resistant elevator buttons. During her ascent to ground level, Merry-Sue rubbed her sore knuckle and thought about what Johnson had said to her. After assuring her multiple times that her brother had not sought out contact with himself, Johnson told Merry-Sue that, after she ran out on his son on their wedding day (Merry-Sue had scratched the back of her neck sheepishly), he never planned on going through with his threats to attack the cave humans.

"Your immature father," Johnson had said, "May have insulted my dignity with his blunt foolishness, but I was never really inclined to wage a war with my neighbors. I have much larger fish to conquer."

"But, then, why was it arranged that I marry your son?" Merry-Sue had asked.

Johnson's deep, kinda evil, vampire laugh had made the cave girl nervous, "Why, your mother suggested that bright little idea! I know my son. No girl with her head on straight would go for him, even if I died and left him king. The proposal would get his inept existence off my hands."

Though Merry-Sue had found this a little harsh, she knew how difficult family could be, so she had tried not to judge the way Johnson spoke about his child, "So Tom didn't need to come here and make truce with you?"

The elevator doors slid open with a bing! and Merry-Sue stepped out into the darkness of the common room. She remembered Johnson shaking his head in response to her question and realizing her mother had lied to her. She was so enraged that she left her night vision goggles somewhere on the floor of Johnson's chamber. She regretted that decision now, as she was finding it hard to navigate around in her pitch black surroundings. Then she realized she was in the midst of blood-thirsty creatures with one of her major senses severly impaired. This made her panic and run into Michelvampelo's sculpture of The Nocturnal David, which caused the statue to crash and almost shatter. Merry-Sue freaked out, thinking she'd just run into a vampire and began running into walls.

Finnaly, a security guard managed to catch her and stop her from damaging any remaining artwork. He dragged her to the exit and threw her back out into the daylight. Blinded by the sun, Merry-Sue felt even more disoriented. She sat down onto the grass to recollect herself. She registered the sound of the enterance to the vampire cave closing loudly and the sound of someone's voice calling her name.

Merry-Sue looked up. Hotness was standing over her. He held out his hand and pulled her to her feet. He led her back around all the boobytraps to the borders of the kingdom, where Ugly was waiting for them. Merry-Sue felt humbled by his kindness and gave Hotness a hug, which was very awkwardly received.

Waving goodbye to the vampire body guards, Merry-Sue left the vampire mountain and managed to spot Boris in the distance. The dinosaur was overjoyed that his friend was back and unharmed. He was so happy, he drooled all over her. Merry-Sue pushed him away gently, telling him, "Don't get too excited Boris. This was all a waste of time."

Boris tilted his head to the side.

"Turns out Linda lied to me, the old bat," Merry-Sue said grudgingly, "Let's just go back home."

Boris hung his tail sadly in response to his friend's grumpiness. Merry-Sue climbed onto his back and asked him to just take her home. Boris was happy to be heading somewhere familiar and complied obediently.

"I just don't understand what she could possibly have to gain by lying to me!" Merry-Sue began complaining, "And about something as trivial as Tom's wherabouts! Did she want me to go looking for him?"

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