So... I'm back!

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Hey Wattpad! 
I know I haven't been doing much here lately and I haven't updated this story is... 2 months? How the heck?
I apologize to any of you who feel like this story is worth reading, I know how annoying it can be when a story you really like just gets left behind, so Imma try to make up for it! 

There are many reasons I haven't updated in a while - schoolwork, working on myself (as well as planning my future, which turned out to be terrifying), I haven't watched Arrow in a while, because I've found some new obsessions... so, yeah. However, I seem to have reached a milestone? 

513 reads!? How the actual hell did that happen!?! And 26 votes?! You guys are wonderful. Thus, I have decided to ATTEMPT to continue working on this. I won't promise to update by a certain date, just saying that I'll update SOON. And, in case I get stuck writing the chapter or can't do it soon for whatever reason, I'll just post a "20 things about me"! Feel free to ask any questions, I'll answer them as honestly as I can!

Well, thanks for reading!
Yours truly,


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