Yes, it is one more A/N... but you'll wanna read this one!

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So, I'm very irresponsible, a horrible procrastinator, and stuff has happened in my life that has stopped me from writing this story further...

But now I think I might just pick it up and continue it!

I am so thankful for the 2.6k reads, you guys! It's crazy!!! 

Now, I must ask this of you... I need to know if anyone actually still wants to read this book! If you would like me to keep writing this fanfiction, you can let me know by voting and/or leaving a comment! It's greatly appreciated, and it will show me that this is something people want!

Uh... I kind of forgot how to do this.

Oh, and some life updates:

-My house almost burned down

-My tiny, old, half-blind dog disappeared for three days in the middle of icy winter (we found her, thankfully)

-I found some great people in my life :)

-I started playing guitar

-I started going to Open Mics to read my poetry (Let me know if you'd like for me to publish some of it, okay?)

-I like boys AND girls. Plain and simple. No label attached, no time stamp. Wherever this may lead, for however long might I feel like this... I decided to accept it and roll with it!

-I turned a new page in my life story and decided that I will live the life that I want.

-I learned to love myself!

So yay!

Again, message me if you want to talk... about anything, really.

Have a nice day all of you!


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