Chapter Eight

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A week after the A.R.G.U.S. training adventure (Roy had to mentally stop himself from calling it an "incident" since he was incredibly close to convincing him he had just imagined it; I mean, what else could explain what happened?!), while Roy received a call.

Fishing his phone out of his pocket, Roy froze when he saw Oliver's name pop up on the screen, but the phone continued ringing, which meant it was probably not a mistake nor just Roy's fantasy and Roy answered it hurriedly.

"Hello?" Roy said, picking the phone up, unsure. A muffled sound came from the other line before a familiar voice replied seriously.

"Roy?" Oliver asked as if making sure he had the right number, "Felicity gave me your number."

Roy made a sound of comprehension, giving Oliver the chance to go on: his words still didn't explain why he was calling. "Um," Oliver paused slightly, and, Roy noticed, it almost sounded like he was worried, "I was wondering if you'd like to join me tonight?"

Oliver stopped, waiting for an answer. Roy stood there, absolutely stuck in place, jaw hanging open, still doubting that he's heard Oliver correctly. Oliver coughed impatiently, forcing Roy to wake up from his stumped daze, and speedily answer, "Yes!", maybe a little too enthusiastically.

Mentally face-palming, Roy, sure that Oliver just eye-rolled on the other side of the conversation - when, in reality, Oliver barely stifled a chuckle of endearment - tried to cover it up by adding, "I mean, sure," and more steadily, in his "straight voice" he sometimes used, "I'm free tonight. Where are you?"

"I'm at The Messieurs, the bar, I mean. It's downtown," Oliver proceeded to tell Roy the exact address. Roy, telling Oliver (quite eagerly) that he will be there, heart quivering with anticipation like a butterfly, ran through his tiny cabin to get dressed.

Out of the giant pile of clothes right outside of his closet (both his clothes and Roy couldn't fit in there), he fished the newest as well as nicest & cleanest suit he had: which turned out to be leather and bright silver. Blush covering his cheeks just from looking at it, Roy decided to be brave and put it on, along with a pair of matching pants. Looking into the dirty full-height mirror on his closet door, Roy sighed, an uncomfortable, piercing feeling of fear starting to tickle inside his heart. All he could think of was how gay he would look in it... shaking his head quickly, he threw it off hectically, as well as wriggling out of his pants in frenzy, as if the clothes were rabid animals that clung to him, gnawing him, refusing to get off.

Instead, Roy put on a maroon suit with a white undershirt, and black pants: straight enough, Roy sighed, the stinging, unpleasant feeling going away slightly - not entirely, though, some of it still remained, heavy in his heart.

However, reminding himself to lift his spirits up that it was Oliver, his long-time, hotter-than-hell crush, who invited him out to a bar, and even sounded worried, Roy found it in himself to put on his only pair of high-heeled boots (the one Thea got him for his previous birthday). 

After dragging a comb through his hair a couple of times (something he usually never did, so Oliver should be darn thankful for it), and putting on some cologne, Roy was finally satisfied with how he looked, and walked out the door, with a spring in his step. He called a cab to pick him up, a wide grin on his face & literally at the edge of his seat, and rode off, fervor filling up his insides, excited to see what this special night might have in store for them.


Hi everyone!

I know I haven't been very active in awhile, that's because of the literal ton of HW I get daily (oh, why must I suffer?!), and, good news, I'm getting a week of rest from school now! It's Thanksgiving Break, and I hope to write a lot this week:D!!! Y'all can expect a new chapter of TMBTM (The Men Behind the Masks), as well as a chapter of Broken Arrow - my less popular fanfic for the same ship! Some people still read it, and I personally like it, so I decided, why not continue it? If you have no idea what on Earth I am talking about, please go check it out! I'd be really grateful :)

Btw, thanks for the 939 reads! Gosh! Almost at 1,000, which is absolutely mind-blowing to me! I love you guys so much and thank you for reading my story! 

As for my personal life (if anybody cares), currently going through a problem I have not encountered before: that is, "What the heck is my sexuality?!" Long story short, I may have a crush on a girl at my school and it's confusing the heck outta me. But I'll be fine!

This chapter was really short and was originally just a snippet out of the next chapter (which is quite eventful), but I decided to post something as a small gift and to show Y'all I'm returning to writing! 

I hope all of you have a great break (or you survive school up to break, depending on when you're reading this and where :) ), and I'll write more soon!



Green Arsenal (Roy Harper x Oliver Queen) Fanfiction - The men behind the masksWhere stories live. Discover now