Chapter Nine

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{Oliver's P.O.V.}

I stood outside of a relatively small, however, extremely loud bar, surrounded by a dead city that has come alive. Neon pink lights were flashing and blinking out of all the windows and doors, illuminating the entire street and almost blinding me.

Squinting, I pulled up my sleeve, about to look down at my watch, pondering whether Roy will actually not be late this time, when I heard loud honking sound coming from the road in front of me.

I looked up at the black cab, and time seemed to freeze like in those chick-flick movies Thea and I used to sometimes watch...

The shotgun-seat door opened, and out came Roy... looking... just... damn. He was wearing a tight, maroon suit (with only one button done), a classy, white undershirt, black dress-pants, and boots with heels... that, strangely enough, looked so well-placed and really suited him?

Shaking off my initial state of awe, I concealed my shock by arching my eyebrows and narrowing my eyes brashly. I did not give myself time to debate and overthink my reaction, instead, giving the approaching man a dashing, but fabricated smile. It was a fake smile... no, that's the wrong way to put it. It was a reserved smile that had no real emotion in it; rather, a mask I hid my true feelings behind. Which was friendship. Clearly. 

Meantime, Roy walked up to me, a hint of worry mixed in with the clarity of his sincere, blue eyes. Opposing to mine, his eyebrows were furrowed in uncertainty.

He also wore a nervous but hopeful smile, to match with the expression. It was just a slight turn up of the corner of his lips, barely showing teeth, but it ignited his entire face, and his whole being seemed to shine. When I noticed that, my smile became a little more sincere, I guess.

"Hello," I greeted, trying to keep my voice as even as possible, "glad to know you haven't decided to keep me waiting this time around," I teased warmly, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding. And, although it may have been the lighting... I thought I saw Roy blush?

"Hi. Yeah," Roy replied shyly, looking away from me. Did I have something on my face? I was tense again. This always happened with Roy: at first, I'd be on the edge around him. And, yet, I'd always end up feeling comfortable and me at the end of the night.

"Well, Roy, I'm glad you came. I'm quite sure this is the place Felicity was talking about: let's enter, shall we?" I sent a radiant (although a little forced) smile towards Roy, and signaled him to follow me inside. Roy, for some reason, looking a tad befuddled, walked alongside me, and we entered the bar.


{Roy's P.O.V.}

The deafening music blasted into my ears, right as I walked in. Paired with that, I was blinded by bright, neon-pink, flashing lights coming from everywhere. In fact, the entire place had a certain pink hue to it. Currently, Oliver and I were walking through the thick crowd, getting in line to be let in.

Crap, I cursed at myself, I left my ID at home... my mind raced, trying to make up a solution to this self-created problem. What am I gonna do... Of course, I gotta go and mess this up... right when Oliver and I were actually starting to spend time together... he'll think I'm so forgetful and careless, definitely not what a good Vigilante - or a potential boyfriend - should be... crap, crap, crap...

"Hey, are you alright?" I could feel Oliver's breath against my skin, making electricity surge through me like tiny lightning bolts.  We were in a loud place, so, naturally, he had to lean down and get close to me to speak, so his lips were simply centimeters away from my ear. I replied weakly as I melted.

Green Arsenal (Roy Harper x Oliver Queen) Fanfiction - The men behind the masksWhere stories live. Discover now