Part I

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The Family Reunion Part I

It was another cold December in the city of Elmore. Only seven days before that one special day of the year, the day everyone looks forward to. December 25th, Christmas Day. Everyone in Elmore had gone all out on decorations and presents, especially the Wattersons. They were practically Christmas fanatics. The kids loved getting their presents and their parents enjoyed seeing them so happy.

However, this year was going to be different for them. Gumball had suggested back in November that they have a family reunion, something they'd never done before. They weren't exactly a big family, even with their relatives. Richard and Nicole didn't have siblings, so the kids had no aunts or uncles or cousins from either side of the family. The only relatives they invited were Granny Jojo, her husband Louie, and her ex husband Frankie. It wasn't a big reunion, but it was something they'd never done on Christmas before. As much as Nicole hated her in-laws and as much drama Richard had with Louie, the adults were all willing to deal with it for the sake of the kids.

Joanna and Louie had shown up the week before Christmas. They'd been sleeping in the master bedroom, leaving Nicole and Richard to sleep on the couch. Sure, they were younger than Jojo and Louie, but that didn't stop the cricks in their necks and the aching in their backs every morning. Grandpa Frankie wasn't expected to show up until Christmas Eve, since he still had to serve some time in prison. But he'd be out before the holidays for good behavior.

But upon the few days before Christmas, Gumball began to realize something about the family tree. They knew everything about Richard's side, they knew everything there was to know about the Wattersons. But Nicole's side of the tree remained a mystery to him and his siblings.

"Guys, I just realized something..." Gumball said to his younger brother and sister, after what felt like hours of sitting in their shared bedroom. He hardly even realized they were in the room with him the whole time. They both glanced at him and waited for him to continue his thought. "So we know Granny Jojo, Grandpa Louie and Grandpa Frankie.."

"Yeah?" Darwin asked.

"But we don't know Mom's parents.." He finished, narrowing his eyes at the ceiling. Darwin and Anais were about to reply, but when they opened their mouths to speak, no words came out. They honestly didn't know what to think. Gumball was right, Nicole's parents were taboo.

"You're right.." Anais said surprised, "Come to think of it, she's never even mentioned them before.."

"Does she even have parents?" Darwin asked confused.

"Of course she has parents, you ding-a-long." Gumball retorted, then glanced at the floor, "But how come she's never brought them up before?"

"Maybe she misses them but can't bring herself to invite them?" Darwin asked. "I remember overhearing a conversation she had with Mr. Dad a couple years ago.."

"Overhearing or eavesdropping?" Anais asked, raising a brow and crossing her arms over her chest.

"Doesn't matter." He dismissed, "Point is, I remember her saying how much she missed them and wished they'd come visit us."

"I wonder why they've never visited before.." Gumball said, "But..maybe they can."

"What do you mean?" Darwin asked.

"I mean, this is our family reunion. And her parents are family too! Why don't we try looking them up and emailing them an invite?" The blue cat suggested.

"Thats..not a bad idea.." Anais said slowly, "We do owe it to Mom, considering she's already suffering enough this Christmas."

"This could be like our present to her!" Darwin chirped with a smile.

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