Part V

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The Family Reunion Part V

Richard, Louie, Mr. Senicourt, and Nicole were occupied setting up the new tree in replacement of the burnt one. Richard had to go outside and chop down a random one from behind the backyard, since it was Christmas Eve and there wouldn't be any fake ones available in stores. The kids were rummaging through the attic for new ornaments and an old star to put on the tree, since the others were burned down with the other.

Joanna was sitting on the couch, angrily knitting a scarf while not daring to look at her ex husband for the rest of the night. Frankie was awkwardly standing in the hallway upstairs, helping the kids pick out ornaments from the boxes they'd dragged down from the attic.

The kids could see the embarrassment and guilt written on Frankie's face. They weren't really angry about the tree incident, but they knew the adults sure were. "Don't feel bad, Grandpa Frankie. You didn't mean to set the tree on fire." Darwin said sympathetically.

"Yeah, if anything this is our fault..we made Christmas so bad for all of you." Gumball said, frowning with guilt and regret. "We thought a family reunion would be fun! All our friends have them all the time."

"But..instead everyone's bitter and resentful." Anais sighed, bowing her ears back against her head.

"Kids, we really appreciate you trying." Frankie said, smiling sadly. "But, this family is different. We're not like everyone else's. We're not close, we're broken.."

"We had no idea Mrs. Mom hated her parents so much." Darwin said, "Do you know why?"

"Unfortunately, I don't." Frankie answered honestly, "I don't know Nicole like you do, and I'm not sure what the deal is with her parents not showing up to her wedding."

"Yeah, that's pretty messed up if you ask me." Gumball scoffed, pulling out a homemade ornament from the box. He examined it toes it was in the shape of a frame, a piece of string attached at the top that would hold it up on a tree branch. In the 'frame' was a drawing he made of the family when he was nine. "Wow, we haven't put this one on the tree in years!"

"It's cute, kid." Frankie said in small amusement.

"Let's go show it to them, to remind them that this is a family reunion, and we shouldn't't be fighting." Darwin said, taking it from his brother's hands. The four of them grabbed the box and walked down the stairs into the living room, seeing the adults putting a spare garland around the tree already.

"We found some ornaments." Gumball chirped as he walked over to them, setting the box next to the tree. "We can't speak for the presents, though.."

"Don't worry kids," Nicole said as she and Richard finished adjusting the garland at the upper part of the tree, "Santa'll replace them."

"Much like you had to replace your tree with a real one. It's more likely to catch fire now than before." Mrs. Senicourt commented.

"Less likely now that I threw away those cigars." Joanna mumbled, eyeing Frankie for a split second.

"Alright kids, start helping us put the ornaments on." Nicole said as she stepped off the stool. The kids pulled out the ornaments out of the box, handing them up to their parents while also hanging some on the bottom branches themselves. Darwin hung the drawing in the front, in the middle right where it was easy to see.

Anais turned on the tv and changed it to the holiday hits channel, where it petty much just played Christmas music. 'Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas' was currently playing, which was calm and soothing-which was exactly what the family needed. Louie started a fire in the fireplace to add to the relaxing moment. The elders seemed to calm down from the tension and bitterness a bit, which relived the kids as well.

After about 10 minutes of decorating the tree, Richard put the star atop the tree. Nicole turned on the lights on it, thus having successfully replaced the tree on Christmas Eve.

"Alright, I think its time to change into your pjs now." Richard said to the kids. They all smiled and eagerly ran up the stairs toward their bedroom. Nicole chuckled and stepped down from the step stool, walking over to lean her head on her husband's shoulder.

"See? Christmas isn't gonna be so bad this year." Richard said to her, wrapping an arm around her.

"I hope so. We've still got the rest of the night to survive." She replied.

The kids came back down into the living room in less than a minute later, wearing their matching Christmas footie pajamas. They grabbed a plate from the kitchen and set three cookies on it, then poured a glass of cold milk and set them next to the tree for when Santa came.

Joanna perked her ears up and furrowed he brows, glancing around the dimly lit room suspiciously. "Do you all hear that?"

"Hear what?" Anais asked curiously yet confused.

"It sounds like squeaking..its faint but its there." The elderly bunny replied. Everyone remained silent, staring around and listening for a squeaking noise. But no one heard it, so they merely shrugged in response.

Then Joanna spoke up, "There it is again."

Everyone perked their ears up, this time actually hearing a small, faint sound. Richard turned around, slowly approaching the tree, as that was where the sound was coming from. He narrowed his eyes, pushing aside a couple branches to peek inside. He glanced around, then widened his eyes with a gasp.

A squirrel jumped out from the tree and grabbed onto his face, causing everyone to scream in terror.

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