Chapter 11 (Big News)

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"Hey, Bonbo-"

"Please, before you say anything, l-let me just tell you what happened! I know I promised nothing like that would happen again, but that guy was a bad guy! As soon as he walked in, I recognized him as a criminal. When I stepped off the stage, I just wanted to make sure he didn't hurt anyone. I-I wouldn't have sprinted at him, if it weren't for the fact that he started to pull a gun out from underneath his jacket. I-I-I understand if you're mad at me-"

"I'm not mad at you," you chimed in.

"Oh, I'm so sor- Huh?" he questioned as his ears perked up and he looked up at you.

"I'm not mad at you, Bonbon," you chuckled.

". . . Really?" he wondered, and the animatronics behind him looked at you questioningly.

"Of course not. You only did what you did to protect everyone. It wouldn't be your fault if the media talked us out of business," you sighed, and Toy Bonnie's ears fell back to his sides.

"Shouldn't they understand that we protected them? Even Balloon Boy, here, tried to do something," Toy Freddy avowed.

"Even Mangle, the one that was the cause of all the talk, did something to help," Toy Chica added, and then widened her eyes, looking over at Mangle. "No offense."

"None taken," Mangle replied.

"I would think so. I hope that if that reporter writes something good, that it'd be taken into account," you said as you looked out the front doors; you saw a car pass down the street, and you furrowed your eyebrows. "Maybe we should move into one of the Party Rooms."

The animatronics started towards the Main Hall, and you followed them. They walked around the corner, and Balloon Boy headed inside the Parts/Service Room. You paused, as the rest of the animatronics walked into Party Room 4. A few seconds later, Toy Bonnie's head popped out of the Party Room, to look at you. He stepped out into the hall and walked up to you.
"Hey, you coming with us?" Toy Bonnie wondered as he put a hand on your shoulder, and you quickly looked over at him.

"Oh, yeah," you replied, and then looked back at the door of the Parts/Service Room. "You said before that the old animatronics are in there?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Do you think they remember me?"

"I don't know. (Y/N), you've been so busy the past few days, that I haven't been able to hang out with you after your day shift. You're not going to waste the rest of your time in there with them, are you?" he complained.

"No, I just want to go see them," you mumbled.

"How about I stand by the door and keep an ear out for you?" he suggested.


"That was a rhetorical question," he interrupted you as he walked past you.

He stood beside the door, leaning against the wall. You stepped in front of the door, it was left open a crack. You looked over at Toy Bonnie, and his ears fell back in anticipation. You slowly pushed the door open, casting your shadow as part of the room was lit up. What caught your attention the most, was a faceless animatronic sitting against the wall across from you. You squinted your eyes at it, and recognized it to be Bonnie, from the old pizzeria; there were multiple holes in him, and he seemed to be missing his left arm.

You looked around, and saw the old Chica sitting to your left; her jaw was unhinged, she was missing both her hands, and she had holes in her like Bonnie did. Freddy was to your right, laying over on the floor; he didn't look much different from when the old pizzeria was open, other than his creepily blank stare, and the holes in his body. You heard Balloon Boy giggle from the darkness, and you cringed. You slid your hand up the wall, searching for the light switch. When you found it, you flipped on the lights and blinked a few times.

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