Chapter 19 (Change)

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"Toy Bonnie?" you whispered as you looked down at the blue plushie.

"Yeah, it's me," it replied, and you dropped the guitar by your side as you placed your hand over your mouth.

"Is it really you?" you croaked.

"Yeah!" Toy Bonnie cheered as he bounced; you chuckled as you dropped the guitar and kneeled down to him. "My baby!"

You wrapped your arms around him and brought him up to your chest before he could say anything else. He wheezed as you squeezed him, and you carefully loosened your grip on him. You set him down and chuckled as you wiped the tears from your eyes.

"Oh, don't cry," he worried.

"No, they're happy tears. Where are the rest, are they still here?" you wondered.

"They're at the prize corner. We were able to 'possess' the plushies that were there," he told you.

"How are you able to talk, and walk?" you asked.

"I don't kn-"

"You know what, it doesn't matter. You guys are still here, and you're adorable!" you gushed.

"I am aren't I?" Toy Bonnie bragged.

"Yeah. Ooh, I wanna go see the rest," you chuckled as you stood up.

Toy Bonnie put his hands up, gesturing for you to hold him. You grabbed him and wrapped your arm around. He shifted around to face the same way you were. You ran out of the office and down the hall; Toy Bonnie gripped onto your sleeve as you sped through the Main Hall. When you burst into the dining area, you looked towards the Prize Corner, to see three plushies waddling on the counter.

"Guys!" you exclaimed as you ran up to them; you held your arms out wide and pulled them all into a group hug.

"What happened?" Toy Freddy asked as you set them down.

"I . . . I dismantled you guys," you confessed, and Toy Freddy looked over towards the Show Stage, to see parts of his animatronic body in pieces.

"We're still here though," Mangle, although she didn't look mangled anymore, noted.

"Hello," Balloon Boy said as he stepped up beside you; he wasn't a plushie, but instead looked like a plastic figure, with a big red nose, and a balloon.

"Why aren't you a plushie?" you wondered.

"There are no Balloon Boy plushies," Toy Chica pointed out; she seemed to be missing her cupcake.

"What do we do now?" Toy Freddy said.

"What?" you asked.

"Now that we're separated from the spirits, what do we do?" he added.

"Well, since the pizzeria is shut down, I won't be able to stay here any longer. The spirits had mentioned something about you guys being able to gradually possess larger things," you said.

"Where are we gonna go?" Toy Chica questioned.

"Mm- I guess I can move back into an apartment. Since you guys are, plushies, I wouldn't have to pay extra," you replied.

"You're gonna take us with you?" Toy Bonnie murmured, and you looked at him.

"No, I was just gonna leave you guys here. In fact, I was thinking of stuffing you guys in the ovens down in the kitchen, you know, to keep you all warm," you sneered, and his ears fell back as he plopped down.

"I was only asking," he grumbled, and you chuckled as you turned and walked towards the Show Stage.

"Where're you going?" Toy Chica wondered.

Some Bunny Special (Toy Bonnie X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now