Chapter 2

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I wake up to the sound of faint music and singing. I feel around in my bed for my phone and eventually find it.

Reminder: Don't forget to run at 3:00

I slowly get out of bed and stretch. I groan and walk into the bathroom. I grab a towel and wash off my makeup.

I look through my wide selection of exercise clothes, and chose black exercise pants, a pink sports bra, and some pink tennis shoes.

As I walk out I was tying up my hair into a high ponytail not paying attention.

"Hey, Logey, I'm headed out for a-" I look at the couch area to see 5 insanely cute guys staring at me "run...H-hi." I stumble over my words and blush.

"What'd you say sis?" Logan came out of his room jumping over the couch next to one of the guys.

"I was just um- just...I'm sorry, quick question, why are there 5 insanely cute guys in our living room?" They all laugh and smile at me.

"This is Why Don't We."

"Why Don't We?"

"Yea. They're a new band. Don't you watch my vlogs? I've mentioned them before."

"Well yea, but like. . ." My eyes wander back over to the boys.

"Stop it." Logan says in a stern tone.


"Stop staring at them like that. I know that look."

"What look?"

"You get that sparkle in your eyes when you like a guy or think they're cute."

"Well I mean am I wrong?!" I saw gesturing towards the five guys who were silently staring at Logan and I. Two of the boys catch my eye. One of them had hair like noodles, the other eyes like Sapphire Crystals. I started to stare.

"Jack, Mackenzie!" I snap back into reality jumping at Logan's loud voice "Stop eye fxcking!" So his name is Jack, cute

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"Jack, Mackenzie!" I snap back into reality jumping at Logan's loud voice "Stop eye fxcking!" So his name is Jack, cute.

"Its not my fault your sister's hot as hell." Logan glared at Jack.

"I'm not going to punch you because you guys are my friends, but stay away from my sister. And Daniel stop looking at her like that."

"Jonah was doing it too!" The boy with Sapphire eyes said pointing to another guy that looked older than the rest of them and had a jawline to die for.

"You don't have to worry about me Logan. I've got a relationship I'm proud of." The boy with blonde and brown hair said scooting slightly away from the group.

"You didn't need to remind us Corbyn." A boy with natural brown hair said. His cheeks were red and he looked younger than the rest of the guys.

"Whatever Zach. I'm just being honest." So it Daniel, Jack, Jonah, Corbyn, and Zach...Cool.

Mackenzie PaulWhere stories live. Discover now