Chapter 53

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I sit on the couch surrounded by the people I was running away from just a week ago. Chance and Anthony sat beside me while Jake and Logan sat across from us. They were all silent as I stared at my hands.

I take a deep breath and look up at Logan. "Well. . . for starters where's Lance?" 

"He uhm... The night you two got into a "fight", he got a plane back to England the next morning. I tried convincing him to stay, that he could try and fix things, but he didn't listen." Logan says staring down at his feet.

"Now, Jake..." Jake looks up and me and I could see his Adam's apple move up and down. "Please explain to me why you hated Lance so much." Jake looks at me as though I was an idiot. I lift an eye brown and he sighs heavily.

"Because I knew what kind of guy he was. I knew what he did."

"You didn't know the whole story!" Logan says rubbing his eyes out of frustration.

"What story Logan?"

"There are reasons we don't tell you things, Jake. You're a loose cannon and you don't think before you do."

"What didn't you tell me?" Logan takes deep breath and flips his hair.

"Mackenzie was being bullied. You remember Matt?" Jake nods "He always tortured her at school, posted things about her, made her feel like shit..."

"Sis why didn't you tell me?!"

"Because you would've fought him and then made Mackenzie's life worse. For a long time Mackenzie never told Lance, but one day he caught Matt pushing her around and tackled him to the ground and punched the living shit out of him. The injuries were so severe that Lance got sent to jail for a month for attempted battery and assault, then got let out on parole for another year. During that year though, Lance "cheated" on Mackenzie." Logan says doing air quotes.

"What do you mean 'cheated'? He just cheated."

"No he didn't." Mackenzie stares at me with a hurt expression.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know the full story, but Lance told me that Matt and Stephanie made some sort of deal. That if Lance didn't break up with you and be with Stephanie, Matt would continue to bully you. And of course Lance couldn't say no because then he'd probably go back to jail for who knows how long if he caught Matt messing with you again."

"So why didn't he just break up with me?! Or tell me or something?!" Mackenzie asks. Her eyes begin to gloss over and a small tear falls from her eye.

"I don't know. He didn't tell me everything, but I know he loved Mackenzie. Maybe it was just to hard."

"So that's it? Matt made some dumb deal that Lance accepted. Stephanie had sex with him like- like some fucking slut. And then he left! And- And you didn't tell me the truth?!" Mackenzie yells standing to her feet. Tears stain Mackenzie's cheeks and I felt horrible. Chance stands up wrapping his arms around Mackenzie and pulls her into his chest. He whispers something in her ear and she nods.

"He left you a ticket..." I say quietly. Mackenzie pulls away from Chance still hyperventilating. 


"He left you a ticket... to London. He told me when you two were catching up he promised he would take you when he left. So he bought you a ticket. The flights in a week. He thought you would need some time." Mackenzie smiles softly and nods. "You wanna go?"

"Y-Yea... I just... Yea."


That's honestly all I've got guys. The next chapter with be set a week later at the airport.

Mackenzie PaulWhere stories live. Discover now