Chapter 49

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I wake up panting and sweating. I was alone in a big room. I could hear talking and yelling from downstairs. I slowly stand only to realize I was naked... Oh shit. I walk into the bathroom and take a quick shower before getting dressed.

 I walk into the bathroom and take a quick shower before getting dressed

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When I get downstairs I see Logan sitting with the guys. They all turn and look at me and I freeze at the bottom of the stairs. Logan jumps up immediately and runs over to me. I quickly move back. "Don't touch me."

"Mackenzie come on." Logan says reaching for me again, but I move out the way. "Please."

"No Logan! You think you can just waltz in here after what you did? After what Jake, Chance, and Anthony did?! You all lied to me! You think begging me to come back is going to work?!"

"Look Mackenzie, we're sorry. All four of us, but we promise to explain everything if you come home."

"I'm not coming home. I can't even trust my own brothers to have my back, so why the hell would I live with them?"

"D-Do you wanna stay with us, Mackenzie?" Daniel asks shyly.

"Daniel!" Logan yells.

"I'd love to." I say smirking over at Daniel. He smiles and I could see his cheeks turn a light shade of pink.

"Mackenzie come on please. We've been worried about you all night."

"I was fine."

"Where were you?"


"Wait what?" Corbyn asks looking over at me.

"I called the guys they said they hadn't seen you. Did you lie to me?!"

"No! At least the four of us didn't..."

"Did Daniel not. . .?" I ask slowly.

"Kenzie came here while you guys were gone last night not this morning... She was looking for Corbyn, but found me."

"What did you guys do?" Logan asks thinning his eyes.

"Why does it matter?" I ask. Logan was silent. "Logan I think you should leave."


"Leave!" I shout. Logan's breath hitches and he clenches his jaw.

"Fine... I'll leave. But please... come home soon."

"No promises." Logan heads towards the door, but I callout for him. He turns around and I toss him the keys to the Yeti. He nods and leaves. Once I hear Logan's car pull out I slowly sit down on the stairs.

"Mackenzie. . ." Corbyn says coming beside me. He wraps his arm around my shoulder and I begin to cry. I wanted to go home. I wanted to go home to Evan adn to Brendan. To Kong and Pancake and Maverick... But how could I trust Logan when he lied to me for almost 5 years? 

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