Chapter 36

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There was a knock at my door then the knob turned slowly. My mom walked in with a small smile "Hey sweetie what's going on?"

"Nothing mom."

"Mackenzie come on. You wanted me to come here because you wanted to talk, so we're going to talk. Tell me what's going on. What happened?"

"I-I went off at Logan because I was upset. . .I never told you, but Grayson and I started dating a few months ago. But today...when I went over I found hickeys down his neck and that he cheated on me the night that he was supposed to come over here. I was upset because nothing was going great today, I felt overwhelmed and Logan messing with me just pushed me. I wasn't directly upset with him, I was upset with everything. Nothing is going how I planned it to go mom. I thought L.A would be fun, and an easier change for my life. B-But it's not. I got caught up in boys and drama and I hate it. I just want to end it all."

"Now don't say that Mackenzie. None of this is your fault."

"But it is mom. If I had never gotten caught up with guys, if I never moved here-"

"Listen here young lady, you made no mistake moving here. You have made a career here for yourself and that career was not a mistake. You belong here. Boys will always be around, okay?"

"But none of them seem to care about me! None of them care about my feelings. They end up breaking my heart and I'm left to cry and be angry at myself, that I trusted another guy and that guy broke my heart."

"You don't need a significant other to make you feel wanted okay? You have your brothers, Chance, Anthony, Kade, and your father. You have those Why Don't We boys and I know they care about you." They've always cared about me.

"Yea...they do." There was another knock on my door "Who is it?!"

"Uh...its Logan."

"Come in." The door slowly opens and Logan walks in with something behind his back.

"Yes?" I say rolling my eyes over at Logan.

"C-Can we talk?"

"Yea, mom can you. . . ?"

"Of course. I'll give you two some space." Our mom leaves and Logan sits on my bed beside me revealing what was behind his back. Ice Cream from Culver's.

"You really think Custard is going to help?"

"Uh no. Not really." Logan sets the custard on my nightstand and turns back to me. He looks down at his lap and twiddles with his fingers as he takes in a deep breath "Mackenzie, I'm sorry for messing with you so much. I should've left you alone when you said you weren't in the mood. And I'm sorry for not being a good big brother."

"Logan, you're a great brother, I just- I want to talk to you more. When I get upset instead of you buying me stuff, I want you to come talk to me. Like this. I just want you to be there."

"And I will try to be. I really want to be there for you, but I never know what to say."

"You can always start off with 'What's wrong?' that always works, or just don't say anything. Sometimes I just need someone there."

"Okay." Logan opens his arms for a hug and I wrap my arms around his shoulders hugging him tightly. After I let go Logan smirks "So you don't want the custard?"

"Oh, I'm keeping the custard." I say quickly grabbing it off the nightstand "Oo, Salted Caramel, my favorite."

"Yea, I know." Logan says smiling. My phone began to ring beside me.

Incoming call- Dani Boy

I answer.

"Hey Dani, whatcha need?"

Mackenzie PaulWhere stories live. Discover now