Chapter 52

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I wake up snuggled close to Daniel's chest

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I wake up snuggled close to Daniel's chest. His chest was rising and falling slowly and his eye lashes were twitching slowly from his dream. I smile lightly as I stare at Daniel. What did I do to deserve him?  

I sneak out of Daniel's tight grasp and quietly tip toe into the bathroom. I take off Daniel's hoodie and lay it on the edge of the tub. I turn on some music and turn on the shower. I slip off the rest of my clothes immediately being wrapped in the heat of the bathroom.

I step in the shower and let the water run through my hair and down my backside. I start to space out staring at the gray marbled wall.

"Baby?" I hear Daniel's sweet voice echo through the large bathroom. I shake my head slowly and look through the now wet glass to see Daniel looking at me from the doorway. 


"You okay? You were spaced out."

"Yea, I'm fine." I stare down at the ground watching the water flow back down the drain.


"A little...? I don't know. I'm too anxious." The shower door opens and Daniel steps in across from me. He smiles lightly then wraps me in a hug. I hug him back pushing my chest against his stomach. "I know you guys said Logan was worried about me, but what if he's changed his mind... or he doesn't want me back."

"That's not possible Princess. Logan loves you so much. He can't want to have you home."

"That's not my home." I say quietly. Daniel pulls away and looks at me with a questioning face. "You're my home baby." Daniel grins before pecking my forehead lightly.

"And you're mine."

~ Time Skip ~

I stand in front of the mirror doing my hair while humming to myself

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I stand in front of the mirror doing my hair while humming to myself. Daniel walks in a leans on the counter staring at me. "Ready?"


"I packed up, most of your stuff."

"What about the rest?" I ask smiling. Daniel smirks and places his hands on my waist as I set a curling iron down.

Mackenzie PaulWhere stories live. Discover now