Chapter 5: Nirvana's Courage

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Hey guys, to celebrate getting over 100 reads on my story, I'm uploading Chapter 5 a bit early. Just a week ago, I wasn't even on this website, but now I have almost 100 followers (come on guys, we can make it to 100 this week, tell your friends about me! Nah I'm joking, you don't have to, haha.) Anyways, I hope you guys like this next chapter. It's a little different from what I've done so far, as it's from Nirvana's perspective instead of Giselle's and it's a bit more action-packed. I hope you're liking the new character! 

   Nirvana Pembroke had not ever been outside in Allegoria during that hour of the night. And especially not sprinting down the streets as fast as she could. The rush had been thrilling the first few minutes, until the girl realized that she had quite some miles left. It had started to rain five minutes after she had left, and the poor thing was soaked. Now she held up her long skirts, so not to trip, and started to pant heavily. In her eyes, Giselle was quite lucky to be able to wear men's clothing all of the time.

   I know that I should not be jealous of the living, however what I would not give to feel the wetness of rain on my shoulder, the warm sun on my face, frost biting at my fingertips. Being the head of the Documenters is a position I would never give up, but it is both a blessing and a curse. I can still see what goes on in this World, but I cannot interact. I am only a spectator. At first, I was screaming, yelling, hitting and kicking my loved ones, delusional. I thought that I could make them notice me, but my efforts were futile.

Enough about me, anyways, Nirvana's mother had always wanted her to marry a wealthy Allegorian man, but the girl was sick of hearing it over and over again. She had always had many fantasies of the Moni being banished from The World forever, The Father being honored by all, and her ending up marrying a handsome wizard and having three daughters. However, she, like Giselle and many other citizens, knew that the things she wanted the most she could not have.

   The girl reached the river that she would have to cross to reach Point North, but it was roaring, eating anything that came close enough to it. Nirvana was stumped on what to do for a moment. She, like most of the other Allegorian children, had not learned how to swim, though she had figured that Giselle may have taught herself after the young adult was left homeless.

   The Witch looked around. Suddenly she saw two trees with a strong rope tied between them. She sighed, and prayed to The Father for luck before gently tugging the rope to see if it would hold. After determining it was safe to cross the river with, Nirvana grabbed it and slowly lowered herself over the river. The frigid water reached just above her ankles, and the girl shivered at the temperature. I was praying for the poor girl also, but her Fate was up to The Father.

   She pulled herself across the line until she was about halfway across. Nirvana had never had much physical training, and she was thoroughly regretting it now. The young adult's arms were begging for release, however, her will to not drown was stronger. She groaned as she feebly reached for the rope again, and kept pulling herself over until she was nearly at the other edge.

   Just then, the rope broke from the other tree! Nirvana was swept away down the river, and she screamed. However, she was still able to hold onto the rope still tied to the tree on the riverbank the Witch was making her way towards. The icy water seeped through her thick dress, and made it even harder to hold on. Adrenaline pumping though her veins, the girl pulled herself over until she was nearly embracing the tree. She put her feet on the muddy edge of the other side, and dragged herself across using the rope.

   "Mother will not be happy with me for ruining this dress," Nirvana muttered to herself as she surveyed the damage.

   She trudged the two miles through the forest, until she came to a clear, abandoned looking spot with a small tent (if you could call it that) in the middle of it. It was under a tree, and the stars twinkled above it. Even though Giselle and her family lived in such poverty, the place that they made their home in was quite beautiful, if you thought about it. There was no one around for miles, flora and fauna unseen in the city were prevalent, and nature was all around. Nirvana even felt that The Father had more of a presence in their home than in the city.

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