Chapter 7: Giselle's Home

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Hey guys! Fall break, that means more time for me to write, yay! This chapter might be a little shorter than my other ones, but I really have no way of knowing because I haven't pasted it all in yet, haha. Anyway, enough of me blabbering, enjoy! 

   Both Giselle and Tara sprang up from their seats, knocking over chairs and spilling coffee. However, they did not care, and rushed down to see who was there. 

   It was Nirvana! The poor girl was soaked to the bone and her dress tarnished, and she had sneezed twice in the past five seconds. And behind her were Blaine, Paxton, and Arabella Argall, who immediately rushed into Giselle's arms.

   "Where were you, 'Selle?" They squealed.

   "Giselle got hurt, but it is all better now. Nirvana and her mother helped me get well, and now I can play with you guys again!" The girl tickled the wet children, who shrieked. They talked for a while, catching up on things, with Giselle asking how they were able to survive on their own for two days.

   "We ate fruits and berries," Explained Blaine, "You taught me how to know if they were poisonous, remember? Pax even shot a deer with his rifle, we skinned and roasted it, then we had food to spare!" He announced proudly.

   Giselle was perturbed by the fact that her family could go on living without her if needed. Blaine was growing fast though, being ten in standard years. The girl had already taken him on a few quick stealing runs, and the boy had proven himself swift with a fast mind. She had joked to him before that she could stop her theft and leave all the work to him. However, she never would, as long as she lived. Giselle's mind was constantly battling itself, as she wanted to preserve the child's innocence, though she knew that if anything happened to her, she needed the children to be able to fend for themselves against the great, cruel World.

   Meanwhile, Miss Pembroke was focused on her daughter's state. "Oh my goodness, Nirvana, my child. You are soaked! What took you so long? You better not get sick with fever!" She said, clinging to the Witch.

   As you could guess, Nirvana was ill. Tara rushed the girl upstairs and into warmer clothing. Blaine and Arabella had gotten mild colds, but other than that, the children were fine. Hearing Nirvana cough greatly disturbed Giselle.

   "Curing her should not be a problem!" Said the girl, "Just make more of the Eedras remedy."

   "I only wish it was that simple. Moreau has gotten suspicious of Point East, and many of our farmers have fled. I have not been able to find a shipment in weeks," Said the woman.

   The two of them tried to heal the Witch as best they could with the few ingredients they had, to no avail. She was not close to death; however, they had not gotten her any better.

   One day, about a week after Giselle had first met Tara and Nirvana, she and her siblings were eating breakfast and laughing with each other as Miss Pembroke came up the stairway.

   "Children!" She called, and they turned their heads. "I need to ask you all a question. You have been staying with me for a few days now, and all of you are a joy to be with. Would you like to live with me and Nirvana?" She asked.

   Giselle grew wide-eyed. The girl was perplexed about why Nirvana's mother would possibly want four sought after criminals in her household. She had gone through adolescence being rejected by so many people, and on those very rare occasions when someone did want her, she pondered it for much time, confused.

   However, by the way Tara Pembroke had opened her home to these strangers, treated them like her own, Giselle was almost sure she could trust the woman. The girl had never fully trusted anyone after the island had forgotten her, except maybe her siblings and Saxon. Though I hoped she would say yes, I knew that she would always do what only she thought was best.

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