Chapter 6: Giselle's Worry

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Chapter 6, yay! And now I have a hundred followers, isn't that crazy! I just can't believe it, I know I already sent a message out, but thanks again! 

   Giselle leaned her head on Nirvana's windowsill. It was a few hours into the morning now, and the girl was waiting patiently for her return. She sighed, she should have never sent her off into the night like that, alone no less! A flash of lightning brightened the dark sky, a few seconds later a deafening clap of thunder made the thin house tremble to its core.

   The rain pattered against the glass of the window, the wind sang, and the lightning bolts continued their eerie dance. Allegoria was a rainy island, and had many horrible storms throughout the course of its existence, some were worse than others. However, this was one of the worst that Giselle had experienced. She used to like the rain when she was little, she would even play a game with herself and watch how high the water would get in the streets. After she was cast away, she ended up hating the rain. It disturbed her and her family's sleep in the night, washed away crops, and made the river nearly uncrossable!

   That was when she remembered.

   The river had to have been horribly flooded! Would Nirvana have attempted to cross it? Giselle had not known the Witch for long, but had suspected she would have. What if she had drowned! The bridge would have most likely been underwater, she would not been able to see it. I wish I could have told her not to worry about it, but I could not, as I am not actually there with her. I sighed and shook my head.

   Just as all of these horrible thoughts were running throughout Giselle's mind, she heard a door open. The girl thundered down the stairs, and there was nott a doubt in her mind that it wasn't Nirvana with her brothers and sister in tow. When she got down, she found that it was only Nirvana's mother. "How would she feel if she knew I had killed her daughter?" Giselle thought to herself. However, it was just one more thing she could blame herself about, added to the long list in her mind.

   "Is Nirvana back yet?" Tara asked.

   "No ma'am," Giselle said, her head held down.

   "That is odd," Said the woman, "I do hope she is alright."

   At this, Giselle began to cry. They were the first tears the girl had shed in a very long while. The girl had hardened herself, caring about no one, every emotion she had ever felt she kept locked away in the darkest depths of her mind. She had only cried three times since becoming homeless, and when she did she let no one see. Saxon had almost caught her once, but the young adult ran away before he could say anything about it.

   "Whatever is the matter, child?" Asked Nirvana's mother.

   "I have killed her! It is all my fault! I'm so sorry!" She cried, and cowered away, as if afraid to be beaten. She most likely was, given her history.

   "Is that what all of this is about? Do not worry about my Nirvana, she is a resourceful girl, and remember, she can just use magic if necessary. Now, I need to go and brew some remedies, you try to get some sleep now, my girl," The woman sent Giselle upstairs.

   Giselle liked Tara, she had almost forgotten what caring mothers were like. Even though Bianca held a high position in the government, she still showered all of her children with affection. Most of the upper-class Allegorian women did not care for their offspring at all, letting nurses and nannies take over, and sometimes not even hiring someone at all! It sickens me to think about someone treating their children like that.

   However, even warm in her bed, the girl could not fall asleep. She tossed and turned, worrying about Nirvana and her siblings. She knew that Nirvana would have no troubles getting across and back, as she could use her magic, but her brothers and sisters could not, unfortunately. Giselle had taught her kin to be cautious and untrusting of wizards, as there were some that lived in the alleys, and they were horrible people. She thoroughly regretted it now, as if the Witch needed to use magic to save them, the children would have been frightened, and maybe have even run off! The rose sighed and rolled over, trying to at least rest and put her anxious mind at ease.

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