Ch.1 ~Angelica

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Jasmine's POV-
The feelings in my feet aches with exhaustion, my mouth dry as the dessert. I'm dying.

I looked to the sky to see the sun burning in the center, causing my eyes cringe at its bright glare. It's not going to rain anytime soon; theirs not a single spec of white fluff to tell me so. I've been walking in these woods for over a month now, and it's been awhile since I last seen civilization.

I turn my head to my left to see a walker, growling with hunger. Yeah, your not the only one who's hungry buddy, my stomach tightens in agreement.

Pulling out my bowie knife, I walked towards my new found 'buddy', grabbing his throat I stabbed him in his head.

The walker blood splattered all over my arm and white tank, it looked black rather then the natural color red. I dropped the walker on the floor, while cleaning my knife on my pant leg.

I'm dirty anyways, so it didn't really matter.

As I was about to put my knife away, I heard moanings, alot more moanings to be exact. I turn to see alot of walkers coming my way. With that I started to run. My forehead began to break into a sweat, my legs mustering every ounce of energy. I was flying through the woods until I trip and landed on hard cement. I got up real quick to see that I made it to the high way, their were alot of abandoned cars everywhere.

My exploration ended in an instant when I felt a hand grabbed my shoulder, making me fall once more.

The bloody walker was on top of me, I struggled as I tried to push him away that way he won't bite me. I looked around me in search of my knife, but to no avail. Knowing I might regret this, I reach for my hand gun, with my free hand, and blew it's brains out. The gun shot echoed all the way through the woods, causing many walkers to turn their heads.

I saw them, a whole herd coming my way.

With all of my strength, I pushed and pushed until the dead walker was off of me. But it was too late. The herd was only a few feet way, I was exhausted as it is, so I couldn't run.

Accepting what appears to be my fate, I closed my eyes, waiting for the flesh on my bones to be ripped apart. I was thinking of my last words in my head:

"Mother..Father...I've tried...sorry Devore..."

Jasmine waited for fifteen minutes, wondering why she isn't dead yet. It's weird.

When she opened her eyes, she froze. The herd of walkers were walking past her like she wasn't even their.

"That's strange, why aren't they tearing me apart--"

I looked down at myself to only see my cloths being coated with rotten blood, it was like out of a horror film.

" the walkers can't smell me..well that's a fun fact. "

With that thought in mind, I slowly put my gun away in my holster, but still kept my knife out just in case.

I walked through the herd of walkers, thanking God that I wasn't dead.


It's been exactly three days since I ran into that herd. Since then, I stumbled upon a small looking town. It had everything that I needed: food, cloths, ammo, and even some alcohol.

I live in the building across from the Bar, so when my anxiety attacks starts to get worst, I could get myself dead drunk; no pun intended.

Studying the ceiling above, I started to hum to myself...I know that might sound weird, but if you were stuck in the middle of the zombie apocalypse, not to be able to have company, well yeah, of course you will get bored.

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