Ch. 2~ J_M_L_W

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Devore's POV~

    As I start to wake up I can see a faint light streaming through the sheerness of my tent and birds chirping. I stretch and grab my journal, lantern, and blanket before slowly going out of my tent. I make my way over to the logs around the fire pit and sit down, placing the lantern beside me. The sun was just starting to rise, but that didn't make it quite bright enough to write. I turn the lantern on and wrap my blanket around my shoulders as it was a little chilly. I grab my journal and start to write about the events that unfolded yesterday.
Dear Jazzy,     August 24th

    A lot happened yesterday, that is why I am writing to you a day late. I woke up late again, I feel much better. The pounding in my head had practically subsided and my shoulder is bearable. When I went out of Beth's room, I saw no one in the house. I went outside and found most of the group on the porch, talking quietly. Maggie and Glenn were talking. I can tell that they like each other, and it makes me happy that they are finding love with everything that is going on. I probably will never find love or even have my first kiss, where would I ever find that in this world. More people in our group made their way to the porch, asking about Rick and Hershel. I had no idea what was going mon, but Daryl was asking why no one was out looking for Sophia. Shane walked up and he didn't look very happy. He started ranting about who knows what, asking who's with him and passing out guns. I stood up straight with a questioning look on my face when Shane gave Daryl a rifle. Daryl just nodded, as if saying everything will be okay. I didn't quite trust it though. When Shane went up to Maggie, she tried to get him to stop, saying that her dad will kick us off the farm if they don't. That would not be good, it's safe here. Out there we would die. After they argued for awhile, we sawRick and Hershel holding walkers as Jimmy lead them. That made everyone get up and follow Shane as he ran toward them. I was close behind Shane when we reached Rick and Hershel. Shane started yelling out them as we were outside the barn, the walkers snapping at those around them. Shane started going off about walkers in the barn and he ended up shooting one of the walkers multiple times. Rick begged him to stop, but in turn Shane killed the walker. Hershel sank to his knees, in disbelief of what just happened. People were saying that Hershel thought that the walkers were sick people. Shane started to bang on the barn and attempt to break the lock on the barn doors. Rick begged for Hershel to take the walker from him, but Hershel seemed to be in a daze. Shane got the barn open and walkers started filing out. A few members from the group went up and starting shooting the walkers. Rick continued to beg Hershel and Lori told Carl and I to stay back as she hugged us on the ground. I could see Maggie by her Dad crying and Beth being held by Jimmy as she cried. Shane ended up killing the walker that Rick begged Hershel to take hold of. Glenn asked Maggie for permission to help the others and she agreed. Once the last of the walkers were killed, people lowered their weapons. But soon after, another walker stumbled out of the barn. This time it was a young girl and everyone seemed to freeze in place. I was starting to get really scared, I still didn't know what was going on exactly. Carl and I both started crying and I could hear Carol say Sophia quietly. Lori hugged us closer as Carol started to run toward the walker who was slowly getting closer. Daryl caught Carol before she could get any closer. Rick stepped up, pistol raised and Lori said not to look. A shot rang out and everything seemed to change a bit. Something inside of us. The Greenes left and went back to the house as the rest of the group took care of the bodies. Beth went into some sort of shock and Hershel went missing. Rick and Glenn went looking for him, but didn't come back for awhile. Lori had Andrea and me watch Carl as she went off somewhere. During dinner, we came to the realization that Lori went after Rick. Shane left to find her and we waited outside. Carl was starting to get real worried, I was too. Shane finally came back with Lori, but I guess he lied to her about Rick being here because he needs to make sure the baby is okay. Lori is pregnant and Carl is real excited to be an older brother. Shane was trying to talk to Lori, so she asked me to help him get settled in his tent. I ended up sleeping in my tent and now here I am writing to you. With ending this journal I hope we can become stronger from this and survive. I really wish you were here Jazzy, you are my sister and I have no other family here. Daryl is almost like family to me, but I wish you were here to help me through tough times like these. P.S. I turn 16 in three days.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2018 ⏰

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