Chapter 16 - Wondering

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verb. 1. feel curious; desire to know. 2. feel doubt. 3. feel amazement and admiration.

Well, not exactly...

Oh crap... oh crap... oh crap...

These were the only words now passing through my mind. As the four of us froze.

Ceci's gaze drifted over me, leaning against the bed frame clutching a baby wrapped in a jumper, and the now topless Xandrell sitting with his hands on either side of my hip.

"Ok..." said Ceci slowly. "Amy, please tell me that's your baby doll from when you were about six... I will think it slightly odd... but..." But before she could say anymore, Molly raised a hand and giggled. Ceci backpedalled a few steps. "That's not a baby doll!" she whispered, looking shocked.

"Ceci, please, it's not what it looks like." I said getting to my feet.

"What the hell!" she screamed. "You've got a baby! A real live baby!"

She turned and sprinted away down the stairs. Xandrell leapt forward and ran after her. "Ceci, don't!" he yelled.

But it was already too late. "I just found Amy and Xandrell in her room!" cried Ceci at the bottom of the stairs just as Xandrell thundered down. "They have a baby! Seriously, a baby!"

"Ceci!" yelped Xandrell.

I held Molly tightly. "Don't say anything." I whispered to her. She looked up at me, her eyes full of understanding. Then amazingly, she nodded. I stared at her for a second, still trying to comprehend the little marvel in my arms. Then I smiled down at her. "Good girl." I whispered. Then I took a deep breath and made my way down the stairs.

I could feel their eyes on me, long before I actually saw any of them. I felt a blush rising in my cheeks. Slowly I reached the bottom of the stairs and moved forward. All of their eyes widened when they saw Ceci had not been lying. Tasha gave a gasp as I walked past her.

"God..." whispered Charlie. "You kept your pregnancy quiet Amy."

"James, punch him for me." I muttered sitting down on the sofa.

He didn't move, just stood staring at me. "Uh... Amy... where did that thing come from?"

I raised an eyebrow. "That thing?" I repeated. "Charming James. Molly, 'that thing' over there is Uncle James. Just in reference, he's going to rule the world some day, so keep on his good side, ok?"

Molly giggled happily and stretched a hand out towards James. Many of my friends made little cooing and aah-ing noises. James looked slightly taken aback but moved forward uncertainly. He frowned down at Molly for a moment, when she giggled again and he gave a tiny smile.

"She's quite sweet isn't she." said James holding out a hand towards her. She immediately reached out and gripped one of his fingers with her fist. He looked taken aback for a second, and then he seemed to wilt slightly, but in a good way. It was the way I imagined people to look the moment their hearts melted. "I think she likes me."

There were a few minutes of my friends clamouring around me, cooing over Molly. Charlie didn't seem totally sure about her, while Molly seemed desperate for him to pay attention to her like everyone else. After a while, he wandered away a little and just stood looking at his feet. It was only too easy to see something was bothering him. I handed Molly to Tasha who was closest to me, before making my way over to him.

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