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ok so have u seen szin's And I Still Love Him... (i think thats the name) animatic?

so kotik (youtube) made a lams animatic and when i saw the thimbnail/title i screamed in my head "no no nO NO NONONO"

so yeah...

i'll let u read now...(srry for the super late update)

~Time skip a few months~

~Jeffersoooon POV~

I walk up to the brick wall with everyone else in tow. We made sure not to lead anyone here like we accidentally did last time.

Suddenly, the bricks separated, leaving a gap to walk through. I stepped into the familiar tunnel and walked towards the entrance of the base.

There was a lot of talking going on behind me but I was silent. I was excited to see Alex. It was nice to be able to argue and talk with him again.

We had gotten closer over the past months. All of us have. Especially the Schuyler sisters.

Alex was doing better. After first month, he could stay awake without having any physical contact with me. Now, he could eat, talk, and move by himself. Not for long periods of time but it was an improvement.

These past few months, we've been spending a lot of time here. We had lunch and dinner here, watched James (ham), Lucy, and Adrinne train, and visited Alex.

(if this isnt making any sense im sorry. i cant explain anything. i shouldnt be a teacher when i grow up.)

We walked up to the door at the end of the short tunnel and knocked. The door opened and revealed the smiling faces of Lucy and Adrienne.

"Hey!! You guys are late!" Lucy laughed and lead us inside.

"Its cause Peggy was being slow," Angelica said, earning a playful shove from her youngest sister.

We all situated ourselves on the many couches and beanbags that littered the room we were in. I was seated on the right side of John while James (M) was siting on the left side of him. Laf was sitting on Herc's lap. The Schuylers took up a whole couch. Suddenly, James (Ham.) ran into the room and dived onto one of the beanbags.

"Hey, how was the walk here?" he asked us, then he looked at me. "Alex isnt awake yet."

We nodded and kept the conversation going. A lot of terrible puns, gossiping, and a game of cards later, a familiar thin figure walked into the room.

"Alex!" James called, earning a small smile from his younger brother. We all greeted him as he sat down on one of the unoccupied beanbags next to me.

An excited feeling filled me when he sat down.

I tried to keep on talking but sitting so close to Alex was distracting. He was curled up on the beanbag, knees pulled up to his chest. His breathing was a little labored, most likely because of the trip down here. He wasnt exactly fit for walking long distances yet. His eyelids fluttered every so often. Im sure that he was tired.

As I observed him somemore, I felt John elbow me. I spun around to face him. Both him and James (M) were giving me smirks.

"What?" I whispered to them, causing the two to giggle.

"Nothiiing," James said suspiciously and turned back to face the conversation while unsuccessfully hiding a smirk. I knew that there was something else to it.

I grabbed their arms and wordlessly dragged them out of the room, ignoring the weird glances from everyone else. Once we were out of the room, i spun around to face my two boyfriends.

"What?" I repeated in an irritated voice.

"What were you doing a few minutes ago?" John asked me, his eyebrows raised.

"Uh...just looking at Alex. Uh, just to make sure he's ok," I said slowly. That was the truth. Mostly.

Then something clicked. I realized that during these past few months, I may have connected with Alex a bit more. I've grown closer to him. I may have a little crush on him.

oh god...

"So?" James grinned at me.

"What are you talking about!?" I stuttered and tried to cover up my tracks. I couldnt let them know. I couldnt break their hearts.

But I knew that it was too late. They already knew.

"Thomas, dont worry. We're fine with it. No matter what you choose we'll be happy for you. We'll love you always," John murmered to me, reading my mind, and hugged me tightly. He knew exactly what I was thinking.

James joined in and rocked us back and forth. A wave of relief flooded me and I sighed in contempt.

"Thank you," I whispered into John's neck and held them closer. "I-I think that I'll still stay with you for now though. If its ok with you."

James nodded and smiled. He didnt need to say anything. I knew what he meant.

"Let's go back now! I think we were about to start a game of BS!" John squealed and pulled us back into the room. (if you dont know what BS is its a very fun card game!! my friends and i play it all the time)

"I'm gonna win this time! Last time Hercules cheated!!" James whined.

I laughed at my two ridiculous soulmates. They never ceased to amaze me.

I loved them.



i havent updated in such a long time...my baaaad

well...have an amazing day! or night!


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