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Danny's p.o.v
"So, you do know him?" I asked. I'm curious about these kids. I could tell that this bill guy was very powerful."Yeah, we know him now it's your turn to answer a question," Dipper says. Just the fact these KIDS had to deal with him surprises me. Alot. He can bend the laws of physics. Can make himself sound like anybody he wants to. He can kill anyone he wants to just the snap of his fingers. Clapping his hands could equal the biggest tornado anybody's ever seen in the history of the world's history. Yet these kids manage to keep a straight face around him when I couldn't barely figure out how to get out of his grasp in a dream. "yeah, I do,"I said.

Dipper's p.o.v
I'm confused, surprised, happy and angry. Mostly because of the fact that Bill is back when he should be dead and because he's messing with my freind. I turn to see my sister's face and she is helpless, and her eyes are just... so helpless. I turn again to see Danny with another person. Two to be specific. One was clearly a goth and the other was a either a hipster or geek... maybe a nerd.(Yes, those are two different things!). The goth was looking at Danny worridly and sympathetically. I turn to see mable to find that she is not there. Shes walking away. I grab her hand. She aggressively and forcefully pulls away. "Mabel what's going on?" I whispered. "Don't you get it!?!?" She whisper yelled. "I. Like. Danny!" She whispered angrily. "That goth chick totally likes him too! "And he's way into her!!!" She whispers. A small tear falls from her cheek to her chin. She's gotta point. That chick totally has something for Danny. This is something I've never seen before from Mable. She's never looked so helpless for a guy before. I love my sister with all my heart. So I'll do anything to make her happy. Even if that means helping her win a guy over. "I'll help you," I tell her. She looked at me strangely with a weird face. As if she thought I said something in a different language. "I'm sorry, what?!" She said. "You heared me correctly, I'm gonna help you get Danny," I told her. "Now let's get back out there,"

Sam's p.o.v
"Danny! Finally, me and Tucker wlere looking for you. You said you would come back to meet up at 4:45, when you didn't come...* looks down then up again with a sympathetic face* we were worried sick, you stupid idiot". I was so worried when he didn't come I thought something had happened. "Sam... Tucker... I'm sorry I got offered a job and fell asleep, my nap must of been long I'm sorry," I could see that he really did feel bad. "Never do that again you dummy," I punch him lightly on the shoulder and blushed. "Guys I'm right here!!!" Tucker yelled clearly annoyed.

Danny's p.o.v
Gosh. Sam can sometimes be the most adorable person on earth. I chuckled a bit once Tucker snapped us back to reality. "Ok," I responded. Hey I just realized that we've been alone, the pines twins are gone. Oh wait nevermind there they are. "Hey guys!" I said. They gave no response. They just gave me a blank face. Then they waved. "Hi danny," they said in sync with no emotion. "Umm guys are you ok?" I ask. Their eyes widen up and snap out of it. "Omg that was so weird," Mable said scratching her head while smiling. "Danny, who are they?" Ask Sam and Tucker. "This is Mable and Dipper, they are my friends," I responded. Praying that they won't become jealous of eachother. "Well any friend of Danny is a friend of ours," Sam and Tucker said. "We appreciate that you want to be out freinds but we still don't know you so could you tell us your name?" Dipper said with mable nodding behind him. They agreed.

I'm gonna need A LOT more explanations. Phew...

Did anyone find the reference to GTlive? Comment if you did then private message me what it said then I'll give you a shout out. I'll give you a hint look at the time.

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