Mr. Salty bag of potato chips

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Danny's p.o.v
I stared at the butler blankly. Im sooo confused....Sooo confetti.... I was about to on a tangent on words that sound like confused, when the butler replied "sit in this couch and look snobby,". I thought he thought I was a snob and didn't like me and wanted me to look bad so I said this " Ha. ha. Very funny, now answer my question,". his tone and face expression stayed the same and he repeated "I'm not joking sir,". Wait.....WHAT! This family's job Is to look snobby and be rich?!?!? AND THEY GET PAID!?! "Oh my, um sorry, I-i'm just not used to this back home," I tell him. "Oh, ok, would you like a bag of salty potato chips?" He replied. Was this man again being serious? Or insulting me??? Why are sam and tucker just laughing at me? Can they tell I'm confused? Wuuuuut

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