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Danny's P.O.V
we heard banging on the door begging for us to "OPEN UP!," I was surprised by that, it was actually quite silent up until that. I unlocked the door and Pacifica grabbed our wrists and took us to the dining room. She's surprisingly strong for a 12 year old. "woah," Sam says in amazement "this is even more huge than my dining room,". I've seen Sam's dining room before and it is huuugggge, but its
n o t h i n g compared to Pacifica's dining room.

Mabel's P.O.V
I wonder whats Danny doing now? he'd probably still with tucker and that other chick. God....Why are they taking so long to come back?

Dipper's P.O.V
I can't belive that bill is still out there, roaming freely. I thought we got rid of him. Why does Bill want Danny? I imagine that if he were gonna want someone or something it would be Danny's parents, but wait, they're not... so that means... Danny was possibly his 2nd best option so he took  the chance. What does he want him though, I would imagine he already has encountered ghosts before, since me and Mable have aswell. So why would he even need Danny or his family? Gahhh... my head is all jumbled, I don't know what to make of this. Why can't I think straight, perhaps my head is broken? No. Forget it, just think straight goddamn it! "Hey dipper...?" Mable poked at my shoulder. "What!?" I responded, sounding irritated, frustrated and Stumped. "When do you think Danny is coming back?". Hmm...

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